Chapter Three

Using his extraordinary Lung forces open the ceiling trap door, pushing aside the corpse of one of Bretonian guards & his mount charged with securing Gundren's escape route, climbing out Keros is appalled by the bloodshed that fills the small garrison block, Gundren sadly confirms that the dead that fill the garrison are, or rather were, her personal honour guard. Glancing out of the window Keros can see that they are well beyond the comfort of city walls where he has, moderately happily, spent the last few years, sighing he trails behind the others as they move quickly away from the distant sounds of battle.

With the ultimate intention of reaching Rosengrade they head onto the road towards the mountains hoping to cross one of the many passes leading towards the forest of Maldrik, whilst not the easiest route to choose, it at least will confuse any pursuit sufficiently to give them a head start, particularly as they travel on foot.

The following morning, the twentieth of Octarius, Mohimas declares that he must leave them awhile as despite the civil war he has unfinished business within the city, unwilling, thankfully to Keros's mind, the party bid Mohimas farewell & watch as his form shimmers & changes to that of a great eagle, as the eagle climbs Keros turns & follows the others off the road onto the snow spattered plain, in the distance the mountains, some three days or so away, promise a cold passage in the midwinter sun.

Pushing on many a glance back reveals their trail clearly visible to any one who follows, using what meagre skill he has, Keros makes some attempt to cover their passage, frustratedly, he soon gives it up as a pointless task, the snow being to shallow to obliterate their numbers.

Later, as they take a brief rest, Keros watches suspiciously as Gundren's lady in waiting performs some magical ceremony, however when nothing immediately occurs the matter is forgotten until some short time later there is a screech from above & a hawk descends & settles on the woman's outstretched arm, a witch then, Keros presumes, summoning her familiar. As they continue Keros uses his own knowledge of mother earth to commune with the creature however whilst Veli is not hostile to Keros's action, she is clearly not impressed by Keros's words.

Some short time later Veli's familiar returns to her arm with news that soldiers approach on horse back coming from the direction of the citadel, moving some distance off the road, covering their tracks as best they can, Veli instructs them all to remain still & silent, she casts a spell about them hoping to hide their presence to the soldiers.

Cowering, Keros watches as the soldiers stop & search, clearly they are looking for some one, presumably Gundren, obviously confused by Veli's sorcery the twenty or so troops stumble around the shrouded party searching for thier passage however eventually they move off across the fields frequently stopping to pour over the frozen dirt looking for a trail, presumably theirs, once the troops, from the astern barracks according to Gundren, are out of eyesight, Lung leads off towards the still distant mountains.

Frequently Veli's familiar returns to report that there are many soldiers abroad obviously looking for some one or something.

As afternoon rolls on Veli warns that her hawk has seen a group of men with dogs close by & at least one of the dogs is coming this way, with still some nine leagues of open fields before they reach the woods boarding the mountains they increase their pace hoping to outdistance any pursuit. Soon however one of the following dogs crests a rise behind them & stands panting. Pelangor, presumably having some knowledge of such beasts, whistles the dog, gesturing for it to approach, his apparent friendliness however is greeted with a snarl.

Fear put aside. Keros, feeling far more capable of dealing with animals that people, walks towards the creature, as he closes he calls upon mother nature to grant him friendship with this creature & the power of speech. As Keros nears the animal it growls & warns him to stay away, calming the beast, Keros questions its & the intentions of its master, several names are mentioned that the dog has heard its master speak, amongst them are those of Gundren & Mohimas, playing innocence, Keros apologises but tells that he has no knowledge of these people. Keros, by know growing confident of his ability seeks to entice the dog to accompany him however it resists, talking of the stench of the "cold one", suspicious of Gundren, Keros gestures towards her but is taken aback when the dog growls & tells him,

"No, not that one, the other bitch"

Wishing the dog good fortune to it & its master Keros returns to the group & confirms that indeed it is Gundred for whom they search, he makes no mention of the dogs referral to the "cold one" however when time allows & Veli is out of earshot Keros does pass on the dogs words to the others.

As mid day approaches they eventually reach the edge of the ploughed fields & reach the relative safety of the tree line, moving inward Keros uses his talents to better effect to disguise their passage into the woods.

Resting briefly, the one armed Pelmas & Veli huddle together exchanging words of power & soon thereafter Pelmas raises his voice to summon a familiar as Veli had done earlier, within a few short moments an owl drifts silently down out of the trees to rest on Pelmas's stump, again Keros takes time to introduce himself & make friends with the bird.

As the day draws on, Pelmas warns that his familiar has spotted a rider approaching the tree line more or less where they had entered the woods only an hour or so before, however who ever he is refrains from entering the woods & makes camp a half mile or so back along thier trial, assuming the worst, Keros backtracks with the others to the edge of the woods. From beneath the spreading boughs they watch this stranger calmly pitch his tent & settle down to wait. Unsure if he is friend or foe Pelmas produces a spyglass to get a better look, not recognising thier follower Gundren takes a peek & sharply draws in her breath,

"I know this man, his name is Craf & he is, or was, the head of the head of the weapon school for the palace guard, a truly formidable opponent if opponent he is"

Unsure as to how to proceed Lung, accompanied by Veli, eventually agree to approach & to establish Craf's intentions & walkout from under cover of trees.

From the safety of the trees Keros, like the others, watches as Lung & Veli hail & speak with Craf, after a several minutes they back away & return to where Keros & the others wait, from the expression on thier faces it is not good news. Turning to her mistress, Veli repeats what Craf had told them,

"My Lady, Craf tells that the citadel has fallen & he no longer serves the royal household, indeed he serves a new master now who has commanded your death, he has come for your head"

As his words are taken in, both Keros & the one armed Pelmas moot to give him what he wants, indeed Gundren herself seems willing to assent to his wish as she does not wish to bring further hurt to her would be saviours, her words however are instantly dismissed, much to Keros chagrin, by Merlynar who vows to defend Gundren against any who have allegiance to demon or undead. Hastily a plan off sorts is devised, Lung & Veli escort Gundren towards Craf's campfire intending to draw him back towards the wood & within arrow shot. The plan works, in fact it works to well, & as they approach, Craf slips towards them, a wicked looking blade trailing in the dirt & with evil intent in his eye.

As the others make ready, Keros coats several bullets for his sling in the contact poison which Lung had discarded in the passages beneath the palace, looking up Lung & Gundren are retreating however of Veli he can see no sign, as he continues to watch the notion that maybe, just maybe Veli is in league with Craf crosses Keros's mind.

As Craf draws near his words to Gundred can be heard,

"I bare you no malice my Lady but this deed must be done this night"

Before however he can raise his blade or indeed before Keros can let loose the poisoned bullet, an arrow buries itself in Craf's right eye socket & he slowly folds to the ground, turning, Keros can see Gundred fall to her knee's weeping at the feet of Merlynar before kissing the elf's hand in gratitude.

Stripping Craf's body of anything of use, of which Keros claims a fine, & enchanted, silver ring as well as a pair of well made dirks', they quickly collect his horse & chattel's & move back under the cover of the trees. Continuing, Keros finds himself embroiled in deep discussion with Merlynar concerning the despoiling of mother earth by humanity, clearly at odds with each others arguments, but both adamant they are right thier talk goes on long into the afternoon.

Tired of philosophical debate Keros sidles over to the horse of the dead Craf, conversing with the animal, Keros learns that Craf did not travel alone but was accompanied by two others, for the moment Keros keeps this snippet of information & returns to discuss matters further with Merlynar.

As evening approaches Pelmas suddenly clutches at his chest, blood trickling through his fingers, suspecting an ambush, as Merlynar goes to his aid Keros desperately seeks cover however when nothing further occurs he rejoins the group inquisitive as to what occurred, listening to Pelmas it would appear that his so recently acquired familiar is no more. Suspecting that this may be as a result of Craf's protégé's, Keros hurriedly confesses what he knows.

Veli, looking into the distance, shakes her head, her hawk reports it can see nothing through the tree canopy however through the trees two mounted figures can be seen approaching, instantly Lung & Pelmas vanish into thin air whilst Veli disappears up a tree dragging Gundren with her, Keros, without a moment to spare, joins Pelangor & Merlynar in hiding behind some of the larger trees along the trail. Within a few short moments the two mounted Bretonians come into view, both are girded for war & one of them carries a large shield as if concealing something from view.

As soon as they are within range Keros casts a spell of entanglement which sees the overhanging branches of the closest trees stoop & grasp the unsuspecting riders, at the same time a conjured web descends upon them, presumably cast by one of the others, as the riders struggle to free themselves Keros is astonished when first one & then the second slump forward, both with arrows projecting from eye sockets, turning, Merlynar stands bow in hand grinning from ear to ear.

Whilst the others climb down from their perches, Keros, Merlynar & Pelangor drag the bodies away from thier mounts &, joined by the others, strip them of weaponry & any items of use or value, amongst the goods taken, Keros recovers a belt which the Pelmas confirms is enchanted.

Whilst the others busy themselves dividing thier own packs amongst the three horses a deafening roar echo's around the trees followed by a shower of leaves & twigs from above, looking up Keros can see Pelmas looking sheepishly at the smoking remains of a Bretonian musket, realising that that must have been what was concealed behind the second Bretonians shield, Keros winks knowingly at Pelmas & makes a mental note to discuss such items with Pelmas that evening.

With evening close their journey takes them from under the dense canopy of the woods & into the rich & fertile fields beyond, not wishing to leave the protection offered by the trees before nightfall, they set their camp in the lee of the woods.

The following morning, the twenty first, Keros shivers despite the plethora of cloaks & blankets he has piled around him, forcing himself to rise against the chill all outside his sleeping pallet is covered in freezing snow, muttering he joins the others as they discuss how they are to proceed now they have the three Bretonian's horses. Veli, obviously more than just Gundren's lady in waiting turns & with a flourish summons a fourth horse from out of the woods, not wishing to be out done, Keros calls upon, & receives, a mount from mother earth.

With five horses between them the party saddle up & continue towards the ever nearing shadow of the mountains, intermittently Veli's passes on the mundane observations of her familiar, however by mid morning Veli relates the news that some distance ahead one of the many small holdings which abound these pastures is afire. Alarmingly though, Veli tells that the bird can see a man stood before the buildings with great gouts of flame shooting forth from his finger tips, whilst Veli reports that his is still several leagues ahead it does lie along thier path.

Soon Veli tells that as the barn collapsed her familiar could see figures in the flames writhing in agony however Veli then tells that the arsonist then conjures those within the flames to rise at his command, with nervous glances around him, Keros considers slipping away & abandoning this foolish quest, then again a man who can hold such power at his finger tips, the power to cleanse by fire, well, maybe he could learn something from this man.

Moving through the ploughed & furrowed fields it soon becomes apparent that all is not as it seems, those labourers that Keros can see working the fields, & indeed the beasts within them, are all ravaged by some pestilence, thier actions slow & cumbersome, thier bodies decaying, soon however Keros, like the others, realises that it is death itself that stalks them, these country dwellers are not ill, they are undead. Huddling closely to the others, Keros nervously toys with the stopper of one of the flasks by his side, wondering if fire would return these things back to where they come from before they can kill him. Circumventing the smouldering barn they follow a track which hopefully will lead them away from this nightmare, however they soon come across a horse & cart stood as if waiting for its master to return, the horse like all else around is rotting on its feet, but still it lifts his head at their approach.

Beside Keros, Merlynar raises something in his hand above his head, instantly the undead carter drops the sack he was loading onto the cart & flees across the fields,

"Willowstar protect us" mutters Merlynar.

Pressing on, more & more charred, disfigured & rotting corpses stumble across their path until suddenly they come upon something resembling a saddled horse blocking their path, instantly Gundren draws back but before she can speak the beast, for surely it is not a thing of nature thinks Keros, addresses Gundren,

"My master would speak with you Gundren"

"I have nothing to say to a summoner of vampires" replied Gundren,

"Mistakes happen" sneered the beast,

As the stand off continues Gundren quickly confesses that the horses master is known as Vorg, & many years before he sort her hand in marriage however she had spurned his distasteful affection.

From behind the horse a figure emerges,

"We could have ruled the world between us Gundren, we could have had everything, but I wasn't good enough, well now there is a pretty price upon your head & I, well, revenge is sweet they say, all I want is a single cup of your life blood, surely not to much to ask in the circumstances"

In a flurry both Veli & Pelmas disappear from view, however as Gundren dismisses Vorg's despicable words there is sickening thwack as yet again one who thwarts their progress losses an eye & life to the skill of Merlynar's bow.

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