Iron Realm Log Four

4th to 6th day of the Wolf

Year of Darkness 1123

The party share out the loot from the dead bounty hunter, Slarren. Kysan'tel takes the valuable tiara as Mallepus helps himself to the dagger of the Lair and the Bracelet of Kalados. Plo'Koon takes the leather armour of absorption.

Isirion sneaks out after midnight, stealthily followed by Kysan'tel, and finds a Ferryman apprentice peeing into the Forlorn Lake. She acts decisively and sinks her teeth into the man's throat. Filled with bloodlust she is unable to stop until the man lies dead at her feet; but Isirion does not care. Her wounds are healed. She kicks the body into the acidic lake and the corpse sinks, never to be seen again.

Next morning the party seek out a ferryman and find one by the name of Algarthius. He has one eye and tells the tale of an accident where he was splashed with lake water and lost an eye. He also tells them that his father was a religious fanatic and named him after the dead father of the gods.

The ferryman's boat is larger than most others on the Forlorn Lake, which allows them to transport their horses over the deadly water. Towards the end of the journey Mallepus's bracelet begins to glow red. Isirion clairvoys in all directions but sees nothing.

It is not long before they realise that the danger is actually on board the ferry. The ferryman Algarthius is changing. Branches sprout from his shoulders, antlers emerge from his head and over the next five minutes the ferryman turns into a tree.

Isirion casts ESP and senses a massive mind within the tree-like Algarthius. Soon eagles start to land on the branches; a score of them from the northern mountains and panic begins to set in. The party desperately call to other ferryman to help them.

One such ferryman comes to their aid as Algarthius completes the transformation. They tether the boat and head for the harbour at Castle Haddon. As quickly as the ferryman changed he returns to normal; his expression is apologetic and he beckons the party back onto the ferry, explaining that he changes at least once every month and at random intervals and duration.

"It is an anomaly of my ancestry," he says.

But as a tree he informs the party that he acquires insights and knowledge and tells Mallepus a little about his new bracelet and that the Stricken (from the ring of the same name) are an organisation that have turned their backs on society like lepers.

Eventually they reach the harbour that abuts the citadel. It is a vast and busy place and no-one gets through into the citadel without first getting past the harbourmaster. His name is Blister, a corpulent authoritarian with a large group of soldiers to back up his arrogance.

But Valorn is from noble stock. He pushes himself to the front of the queue and slips gold into Blister's greasy palm; the harbourmaster accepts the 'gift' with a wry smile and allows the bastard of house Jorik through unchallenged, along with his companions.

The inner citadel is crowded, the stench of stale urine and open sewers seeps into everything and the party try to get to the more affluent areas closer to the castle itself. Thieves and pick pockets are everywhere and the dark alleyways and hovels are no place for travellers wishing to keep hold of their wealth.

After dark they reach the gatehouse, the main entrance to the castle and the place where the noble lords have their houses and businesses. But entrance proves tricky due to a jobsworth guard and an equally intransigent guard captain.

"Lord Horatio Haddon has ordered that the gates to the castle be closed after dark and not opened until first light...I don't care if you are the king himself - you're not getting in 'til morning."

Resigned to a night in the citadel they find a tavern close to the gatehouse and take a room. Isirion gains many male admirers; even though she is a vampyre the patrons of the tavern do not care; vampyres are accepted in Castle Haddon. She sends Abidon, her black feline familiar, out to keep an eye on the gatehouse whilst she flirts with the locals.

Next day they gain entrance to the castle proper. Even here they are questioned by a guard captain and are scrutinised by a couple of sorcerers, who obviously know they are carrying powerful magic.

Valorn explains their plight to the guard and soon they are greeted by a black robed man with an aura of power; both political and magical power. Maldarus Knifehand is Horatio Haddon's Chancellor, and brings the party into the court of the noble lord immediately, especially when he hears why they are here.

All eyes are on the newcomers. Isirion senses vampyres in the court, along with powerful sorcery and more than a whiff of political intrigue. Horatio Haddon is a troubled man. Rumours of his lands being in the grip of a barbarian uprising are rife and he is a virtual prisoner in his own castle because of the emergence of Karnak the Unifier - the barbarian 'king' who has created a home in Hell's Ridge, the peaks that surround House Haddon.

But when Isirion produces the lost ring and pendant and hands them back to his lordship there are gasps of astonishment from the galleries.

"I am in your debt...all of you," lord Haddon says. "You will eat at my table this night and we can talk about how you came by these stolen items."

Over the course of the evening lord Haddon tells them of his trouble with Karnak. Every emissary, every spy, and even every battalion he sends up into the mountains never returns. He pleads with the party, and Isirion in particular, to act as diplomat and get Karnak to talk.

"You have a certain charm my lady,"

Horatio Haddon says, "I think the barbarian will listen to you."

"What's in it for us?" Mallepus says.

"You will have my gratitude."

"We need more than that," the ranger says, "how about equipping us with the tools to do the job? We could all do with better equipment, or at the least information on the equipment we have."

Lord Haddon nods. "Sounds reasonable. I will have Elgir Bookwarden come to your quarters tonight. Naturally you will stay here until you are ready to leave. Elgir is one of the foremost sorcerers in my house and oversees the running of the great library we have here."

Mallepus smiles. "Thank you gracious lord."

Elgir proves wiser and more powerful than the party expected. A kindly old grey haired man on the outside with a strong magical surge on the inside.

"Lord Haddon has asked me to help you," Elgir says.

He accepts their ideas for equipment and tailor made items without criticism and without argument. He demonstrates his power by casting a spell (Elgir's Magical Analysis) and revealing the secrets of many of the items they have claimed.

Isirion asks him for a copy of the spell and he gladly produces a scroll. Over the next day and a half the party study in the library, keep an ear to what is going on at court, or otherwise try to avoid noble fops who try to ensnare them for information or betrothal.

Elgir produces Lady's Veil for Isirion, a magical shortsword and next day Valorn's Quiver, a self replenishing quiver that produces eight arrows with various magical properties.

Mallepus learns from Elgir that Kalados is really a sorcerer's item and that it will allow Astral travel amongst other things. The ranger decides to keep it as he will be able to cast spells as he progresses. The Dagger of the Lair (the name for Hell) will inflict double damage to undead or devils.

But Elgir is not omnipotent. He regards Kliton's idea for a suit of chainmail with concern.

"There is not enough gold in the entire world to fund an item of this power my warrior friend..."

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