The State of the Iron Realms

The Year of Darkness 1123

It is ten years after the death of Algarth and the Dissolution of the Gods. The most profound event in the thousand year history of the Iron Realms has led to a new order, both of magic and of the noble houses that rule.

Lord Balvor Haddon was the frontrunner to ascend to the vacant Iron Throne, but after what has become known as the Black Banquet, when he was assassinated in front of hundreds of nobles and courtiers alike, he relinquished control of the throne. The entire guest list fell asleep - from some unknown poison - when they awoke all that was left of Balvor Haddon was his head, laid out on a silver platter with an apple in his mouth. Nobody has found the killer in ten years.

Now his son, Horatio, has assumed control of the lands of the north and rules where his father once did.

Vainner became king after the backing of the other noble houses, including King Holban of the Whispering Wood, who is seen as the greatest ally to the new king. That and the Tower of Azimar, the greatest magical academy the world has ever seen; home to Azimar and the home of magic in the Iron least normal magic.


Gods still exist, although their popularity has dwindled since the death of Algarth. The two main religions are that of Fire and Ice; the Ice Maiden and the Fire Lord maintain a stable power base in most of the Iron Realms, apart from the Kingdom of the Wildlings, where they worship different gods.

Most major cities have at least one temple, or a large shrine, and the priests vary in power across the lands. The bigger the settlement the better the following, although there are wandering priests across the lands on pilgrimages or just trying to find themselves.

There is a deep mistrust of any religion; the propoganda machine of King Vainner is in full swing, although he has a good relationship with Fire and Ice.


The cornerstone of the Iron Realms, the major houses are as follows:

House Vainner House Haddon (lord Horatio, son of the fallen Balvor Haddon)
House Dalvor (the line was not broken, a cousin of the first king was found and now rules the south)
House Brevan (the Western Isles still has the largest navy and is run by one of Brevan's many bastards - Lord Valdrik)
House Jarn (still run by the ageing lord Jarn, friend of the king)
House Jorik (the newest higher noble house in the South East - a powerful and rich family)
House Aegle (lady Janvar has many contacts and an information network bordering on the precient) She has made her home in Castle Arrakan, whose line is all but gone.

The Wildlings

King Shadfast took over leadership of the northern folk, and has become the greatest exponent of the Maelstrom within the Iron Realms. Integration with the rest of the world is slow but is occurring, with Wildlings seen as strangers rather than usurpers. King Shadfast has made it his goal to integrate the Wildlings but that progress is slow.

Wildling blades still confound conventional magic and - up to now - there has been no significant breakthrough in understanding the source of Wildling power (other than Shadfast). It appears the two power sources are least for now.

The Wildlings have their power base in the frozen north, but Wildlings turn up everywhere nowadays; they are mostly treated with disdain or contempt.

Wildling blades are manufactured in the north and are deadly to Iron Realm steel; no sorcerer or weaponsmith has yet created a blade to withstand them, nor can living men wield them...yet.


The art of magic is split into two distinct disciplines: Maelstrom and what is known as sorcery (that is generic Iron Realms magic). There is only one creature in the universe (King Shadfast) who is able to use both disciplines but even he has - until now - been unable to create a sorcerer capable of using both disciplines. One tends to absorb or override the other.

Azimar has built the greatest library in the Iron Realms at Castle Stormstone. In fact he is often seen hovering above the Iron Realms in his armoured floating ship. Azimar has a library in every major town and citadel in the Iron Realms - it is said that if a sorcerer is in need he only needs to speak Azimar's name to have the sorcerer appear.

But there are rumours that the Duomancer is abroad...

Peace in Our Time?

Despite King Vainner's iron grip on the Iron Realms, there are those who oppose his ascension even after ten years of peace and prosperity. Barbarian raiders plague the north and west, the Western Islanders have a long standing hatred of the King although will not show it openly.

War is rare. Battles between noble houses are quickly squashed with the two sides ending up paying the king for expensive garrisons that he leaves to keep the peace. These extortionate levies usually deter even the richest noble lord from fighting.

So what are the threats to the Iron Realms? Shadfast has maintained a lengthy dialogue with King Vainner and there will be no war between the two races of men and Wildling. The barbarians are not numerous enough to pose any real threat.

But there is darkness abroad. A shadow that haunts the king at night that threatens to turn into something serious...rumours abound that the king is infected with a growing madness, that he is under the thrall of a powerful and evil sorcerer.

Koosh 'ti

Last seen wearing a large cloak and carrying a scythe. With the blessing of the remaining gods Koosh 'ti and his immortal bride Selene have ascended (descended) into the realm of the gods. Koosh 'ti has taken Maldorak's mantle and leads the dead and lost souls into Limbo (or into the Fire of Absolution if they have been especially naughty).

Selene is his apprentice. She is always by his side and offers a female perspective and logic to proceedings. Rumours are that Pius - the other immortal soul that Koosh 'ti raised - has gone into the Shadow Lands (whatever they are) and has not been seen for ten years.

Other vampyres talk of the Night of Knives, when Pius is said to have slaughtered the Twelve (whoever they were) and assumed control over vampyres in the Iron Realms...these are only rumours as no-one has seen the wise vampyre in ten years. Maldorak was a mischievous god but in ten years no soul or lost spirit has ever returned from death or has ever 'cheated' death. It is said that a cat has nine lives but a mortal man only one; Koosh 'ti is a name of legend that strikes fear into all but the bravest. As yet no mortal man has seen him in ten years...they say that if you look upon Koosh 'ti you are on your final journey.


Castle Stormstone is the largest citadel in the Iron Realms after ten years of major construction (aided by Azimar's cheating) and attracts the most powerful people to it. It is said that he has one thousand vampyres in his secret catacombs that will do his bidding. No one has ever seen them.

Pius is said to be one of King Vainner's closest advisors yet no one has seen him at court; but like the shadows on a dark night you know he is there. Vampyrism is becoming accepted in most of the major households. They have forged a niche amongst the nobility - it is seen as fashionable to have a vampyre in your household - even to be seen with them in public.

There are many 'good' vampyres - King Vainner encourages development of all his subjects...including the dead ones.

Playable Races / Classes

There are now more playable races / classes in the Iron Realms, Races available are;Human, Elf, Dwarf, Wildling & Vampyre. Added classes are Barbarian & Battle Mage.

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