
The idea here is for Mr F to provide something to keep Chappie's game group rolling when he's on holiday, sick of the sight of us or otherwise unable to command the table. The campaign will be episodic, probably run at long intervals as need arises. The setting is Chappie's Iron Realms world, though in a quiet part of the world a long way from Rings and Kings and Dragons. The system is Chappie's, but Mr F has invented stuff like crazy to try and keep himself from whimpering at the loss of the 3e detail he's used to fiddling with . . . . .

All the PCs have an "heirloom", a Chappie-system bonus ranging from a magic weapon to sorcerous powers to a genetic disease. This gives every PC at least one power or bonus they absolutely shouldn't have thus potentially causing chaos causing chaos.

Logs can be found at:

Dalethorpe - Pocket Book Adventures

Kry'Ojenix - Alive & Kicking - Dwarven Battlemage built like the proverbial brick shit house (haven't played a dwarf for many a year, thought I'd give one a run, I see know why I enjoyed it playing one so much, no nonsense, straight talking, kick em' in the bollocks first, then ask questions.




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