Episode 5

5/4/2034 17.59

Surrounded by SG1, Hackett and others, McCready briefly outlines events above. It seems the infected that scaled the service duct had run amok, the disease spreading uncontrollably beyond the base gates. Within a few short minutes the unsuspecting and unprepared were turned from bored and sleeping non-combatants to raving maniacs. Quizzed by Schultz, McCready confirms that the Whitehouse has been contacted and is fully aware of the potential of the disease should it go unchecked. McCready, heavy in heart, adds that the most probable and immediate response will be an immediate tactical nuclear strike.

Many present are shocked by McCready's final remarks, however in their present confined situation there is little they can practically do. As the gathered consider their survival a dull resonance runs through the walls, the emergency lights cut out and blind panic ensues, the promised terrible first strike has begun. Desperately Schultz tries to instil calm over the airwaves, this is difficult however as all can hear the guttural screams echoing through the corridors.

Flicking to IR, JJ and Gomez head for the assumed location of the remaining infected, desperate to wipe them out before any more of the survivors succumb. As hysteria rises the emergency lights dimly illuminate, Hackett emerges from IS control stating it's the best he can do, the lights won't last long, a few hours at best, before the back up batteries run dry. The meagre light at least helps calm the situation and the panic subsides for the moment at least.

Red mist rising JJ urges Schultz not to hesitate,

"The infection is spreading, and we gotta' wipe itup now before we're crazy people to, we gotta' activate the friggen' reactor cos' its getting' hot an' this air ain't gon' last for ever"

Undeterred Schultz considers matters; turning to McCready she can see no help there, probably in shock from the look of it. Reluctantly Schultz realises JJ is right, they need to act sooner rather than later, before she can however Gomez's combat instinct takes over, shouting a warning and closely followed by JJ, she hurls herself aside. The others follow as a massive compression blast blows the restrained lift doors apart. Kapek, McCready and other survivors weren't as quick as those with honed combat reflexes and suffer a severe battering; an unlucky few collect concussion as well as the odd cracked rib but at least they're still alive.

Decision made, JJ and Gomez lead the others towards IS2, medibay and the reactor unit beyond. Schultz does ensure that a number of reasonably well-armed grunts remain within the main IS/lift reception area. As they pass through IS2, Hackett and McCready hang back at the passage that connects to the kitchen and recreational area. Pausing at the entrance to medibay Gomez, Catflap and Schultz turn aside and make ready to enter. JJ and Kapek push on to the intersection with the main gate chamber passage. Ahead Kapek can dimly see a figure crouching gorging itself on a corpse, as it raises its head Kapek takes no chances and literally cuts the crazy in two in a swathe of 12mm shells.

Peering through the broken windows into medibay Gomez, Schultz and Catflap can see no sign of movement, IR reveals a few cooling sources but nothing suggesting an infected or otherwise. On the count of three Catflap and Schultz throw back the heavy double doors and Gomez, stepping forward, unloads a full round from her Mac 14. Blazing lead sprays around the room, a scream erupts but abruptly cuts off, picking their way forward the body of a young medibay technician slumps from within a steel locker where she had hidden to avoid the mob.

As the echo of Gomez's gunfire fades Kapek, JJ watching his back, steps around the corner into the gate chamber corridor, in the dim light he loses his footing and stumbles. Glancing up he is appalled to see the muzzle flash as a barrage of weapons open up from behind the barricade beyond. Allowing himself to drop he hits the deck but alas the volley of shots fills the corridor and various calibre slugs rip into Kapek's body. Realising what has happened Schultz radio's those behind the barricade telling them to hold their fire. Taking no chances JJ steps forward arms raised above his head.

Assessing the situation and conscious of the potential for infection Schultz orders the corridor and the barely conscious Kapek to be hosed down. Kapek is quickly removed to medibay where Schultz preps him for immediate surgery.

Liasing with those left behind and those manning the star gate barricade a final sweep of the lower levels is completed. Finally satisfied that the corridors are clear JJ and Gomez press on along the last corridor leading to the reactor chamber. Reaching the far door with out event they are dismayed to find a heavy steel door bars their way, four manual locks secure the door. Calling into the others McCready, despite his condition, has enough left to bring forward two keys; he advises that Williams Fitzpatrick above holds the two remaining keys.

Leaving Gomez and Catflap at the door JJ returns to the lift area, checking out the shafts however it is clear there is no route to the surface through the collapsed shafts above. Instructing others to ascertain the condition of the service shaft they confirm that similarly there is no way through the rubble filled void. What is discovered however is that of the two grunts left to secure the shaft one was killed by the collapse and the other is battered, bruised and deafened.

Back at the reactor door Gomez is frustratingly, and despite having the correct tools, attempting to open the locks with no success. JJ, ever ready with a suggestion, offers to blow the doors however when it is clear just how thick and secure the doors are even he, reluctantly, accepts that he'd need so dam much explosive to breach it that they'd be no reactor left.

Gathering all her wits about her, and to the sound of well meant advise around her, Gomez eventually hears the smooth click as she trips one of the locks, despite all her efforts however the fourth lock securing the last two pins obstinately refuses to budge.

As time drags on Gomez admits defeat and suggests rest and food would be in order, Schultz joins them at the door and advises that Kapek is sleeping having had a slug removed from his skull and right femur, as well as having suffered some 140 plus stitches. Fortunately for Kapek, Schultz is one hell of a surgeon.

Hackett has made himself useful and organised food and bedding etc as well as starting to draw together an inventory of weapons, ammunition, tools etc.

The survivors, now numbering only 73 including SG1, settle down for an uncomfortable night in corridors awash with blood and guts. By now torches have had to replace the last remnants of the emergency lighting. The only relief from the oppressive silence is the occasional reverberation through the walls and floor as the strike above continues.