Episode 4 5/4/2034 13.23

Schultz listened as SG1 debated what action should follow, the debate swung between stripping the armoury etc and immediately fleeing via the gate, with or without the 140 or so survivors, or mounting an attack on the infected holed up in medibay.

Whilst Schultz ponders her morals, Gomez and Catflap hightail it to the maintenance shaft below R n' R. Leaning into the shaft and using her IR goggles Gomez peered up the shaft expecting to see a raving mob, surprisingly all appeared quiet. Whilst they wait on Schultz's decision Gomez and Catflap, leaving several grunts to watch the open shaft, join the survivors manning the second barricade below R n' R.

Yet again Schultz scanned the text message received only brief moments earlier, JJ looking over her shoulder questions its authenticity, with a shrug Schultz taps in Mahonney's number only to connect with his answer service. With a sigh Schultz makes her choice, morality wins one nil.

A hurried plan is set for a two prong attack, as the assault is about to commence the silence is shattered by the ringing of Schultz's mobile phone, hurriedly answering she is disappointed to hear not Mahonney but Hackett, the current highest ranking survivor of the Stargate IS team. Alarmingly Hackett reports that one of the lifts from the base above has been reactivated and is descending. Standing down the assault, Schulz and JJ sprint towards main security leaving Kapek in charge.

Reaching security Hackett confirms the lift is still descending, asking for visual Schultz and JJ watched the lift camera pan around the inside of the lift. The image is poor but two figures can be seen, one of which lies prone. The standing figure appears in control of her actions. Calling the lift console from the IS desk the echo of the phone can be heard echoing down the shaft, however the lift occupant ignores the ringing. Fascinated Schultz, JJ and Hackett watch the screen, who ever its occupant the lift suddenly stops some two thirds of the way down. The unknown person can be seen crouching over a number of small crates, she then calmly stands and waits.

As the drama unfolds before their eye's JJ realises seconds before it happens what is to follow, screaming a warning he throws himself behind the IS console as a huge explosion rips the lift shaft apart. As the blast roles through security all power goes down, the dim glow of emergency lights kick in and Schultz, bruised and battered, raises her head to the sound of gunfire from the direction of medibay.

The hairs on Kapek's neck were bristling, unused as he was to the waiting before combat, his nerves, whilst not shot, were certainly firing. Glancing down the corridor back towards security it briefly crossed his mind as to whether Schultz and JJ had left him to die, after all they had discussed fleeing via the gate and leaving the bulk of the survivors. Sweat running into his eyes he was shook by the reverberations of the explosion in security. Fearing the worst Kapek hurls a frag grenade around the corner, scales the barricade and shouting for back up launches an attack on medibay.

To the echo of gunfire Shultz climbed to her feet, pausing only to apply a field dressing to a nasty slash across her arm, she follows JJ into the corridor leading back towards medibay. Turning to the remaining lift shaft, Hackett and the remnants of his watch patiently wait for any further sign of movement.

As the dust settles, Gomez and Catflap can hear Kapek's assault on medibay begin, listening over their com units they, and their fellow combatants, brace themselves, weapons at the ready, they are not disappointed.

Peering around the corner Kapek can see the doors to medibay are closed, shooting out the windows he is appalled to see the doors thrown open. A mob of crazy people burst out baying for blood, his blood, scared shitless Kapek hurls a second grenade over his shoulder and sprints towards the barricade, the three troopers who accompanied him don't wait for any orders. Partially caught in the blast from his own grenade Kapek rounds the corner to be hit by friendly fire as JJ empties his M90G into the mob. As Kapek clears the barricade accompanied by one of the troopers Schultz desperately tries and fails to drag the second trooper to safety, fortune smiles on the sprawling trooper as the gunfire from behind the barricade decimates the crazies.

As the mob wilt under withering firepower, a second wave burst into the corridor in front of Catflap and Gomez. The lead rain of death is to great and the charging mob crumple under the barrage, Gomez, slightly crazed himself, mercilessly fires a second volley into the bloody mass that litters the corridor, there are no survivors.

As the smell of cordite drifts away screams can be heard from the unfortunate third trooper who had fled not towards the barricade but towards the reactor complex.

Regrouping Schultz, JJ and Kapek again head for medibay, peering through the shot up double doors the proverbial last tinkling of falling glass is the only sound that can be heard. As Gomez surveys the destruction, Catflap orders several armed conscripts to go and join those at the maintenance shaft, after all it pays to be careful.

Pausing before entering the medibay Schultz jumps as the voice of Hackett breaks the silence informing her that the second lift is on the move. Cursing their luck, Schultz estimates they've got about three and a half minutes before the lift, if not a repeat of before, descends. Ordering the following troopers back to the barricade Schultz, Kapek and JJ head back to Hackett's position in security.

Making a quick decision Gomez turns and runs, reloading as she does, via the back corridor to meet Schultz and co at security. Catflap however hesitates and holds his position at the barricade.

As Gomez reaches security, Schultz, JJ and Kapek enter from the opposite side; the lift is almost down. Quickly they deploy around security and taking advantage of what cover is available they wait for the lift doors to open.

The lift stops, outer doors slide back, inner doors open, the lift is empty bar used cartridges which abound the floor. Stepping forward Gomez covers the lift, Hackett, thinking quickly pushes a chair into the path of the closing doors. Leaning forward Gomez peers upwards, the previously illuminated ceiling lights are in place albeit shot out, the roof hatch however is ajar, without hesitation Gomez raises her Ingram and fires skyward but curses as, loaded on the run, it jambs. Hackett's snub pistol doesn't jamb however and several shots crash through the darkened lighting panels above.

Before Gomez can clear the jamb and fire there is a yell from above and a muffled voice asks them to hold fire. Reloaded Gomez shouts for who ever it is to throw down any weapons and show themselves. The hatch is pulled aside and a pistol thrown down. A face appears, a grim smile on its face, Gomez relaxes, she recognises the face, dishevelled but sane McCready, his right hand bleeding from Hackett's upturned pistol, is helped down by a relieved Gomez.