Episode 3

5/4/2034 11.17am

JJ peered over the barricade, against his own judgement Schultz and Mahonney had ordered that no assault was to be made, fire in self-defence but maintain their current positions until Schultz got down there.

Schultz had just called in, they were up top talking with Fitzpatrick, they felt it only fare to keep him aware of what had transpired below.

Arriving in at security main desk JJ, Kapek and Catflap fill Schultz in. Barricades have been thrown up in 3 positions: i) at security reception in the corridor leading to Medibay ii) in the back corridor between the grunts bunks and security 2 and iii) in the main corridor down to gate chamber. Effectively the outbreak had been contained to Medical, R an R and the Iso' bunks, the infected also had access down to the inactivated reactor facility.

Since the initial assault on the barricades nothing further had transpired, consulting with SG1 and the remaining survivors, approx. 140 total, of which 40 or so have combat training plus SG1. Schultz agrees to push forward, over all three barricade, troops ease forward guns locked and loaded.

From the main desk JJ, Catflap and Kapek cautiously move down the corridor and peer around the corridor at security 2. The infected have taken out most of the lights; Kapek immediately reverts to LI mode whilst JJ flicks on his IR goggles. Both can make out figures, possibly feeding on their former colleague's, some 60 - 70 metres towards the reactor room. As Gomez supervises the repositioning of the barricade to security 2, JJ, Kapek and Catflap are joined by Gomez, all four plus an IS grunt proceed to rain hot lead down the corridor. Turning to retreat behind the barricade the group become aware of pounding footfalls, half-turning they are stunned to see one of the infected has survived the barrage. As the five desperately try to reload empty weapons the infected throws herself at the nearest figure, her teeth ripping into the grunts shoulder. As they grapple the grunt screams as former nurse Jane Augustus tears flesh from the grunts face.

Reacting before the others Gomez empties a burst into the grunt and his attacker, both dead, they come to rest at her feet, fortunately her aim was good and nobody suffers friendly fire. As the dust settles screams erupt from further along the corridor, glancing up the four members of SG1 realise they're still on the wrong side of the barricade and nine or so more infected are baying for blood.

Catflap shouts towards Schultz something about ladders but misses his words in the confusion.

Hollering for them to get their arses over the barricade Schultz attempts to give covering fire but realises that if she does she will inevitably hit at least one her compatriots. Aborting this action and ensuring those stood with her do similar she radios the other barricade units for an update.

The unit nearest the grunts bunks advise all clear however those nearest the gate report incoming. The former also advises that they are entering the gym area but all seems quiet. Schultz orders them to stand to, but with all the noise she is unsure if they got the message. Radioing main desk all appears secure, then Schultz realises what Catflap was saying, stupid, she should have thought about it, the lifts might be locked down but there are a number of maintenance shafts running up to the surface some 120 metres above. Not knowing exactly where they are positioned or emerge to she radios McCready and warns him.

Back beyond the barricade SG1 minus Schultz are doing their best to turn the corridor into the 4th of July, as the last crazy crashes at their feet a jet of hot blood doses Gomez's face. Turning towards her Kapek lifts his Ingram menacingly towards her. Wiping her facemask clear she stands nervously watching Kapek watching her, minutes pass, no reaction, Kapek lowers his gun and clambers over the barricade.

Schultz looks nervous, she glances at the screen of her mobile an orders Gomez to scrub down. Turning to SG1 she motions them aside "Listen up people, just got a message of McCready, it's the maintenance shafts, there's been an outbreak in the depot. They're trying to contain it but just in case they've locked of the lifts, we're on our own till they come back to us.

As they talk a message comes over the radio,

"Gym area secure, we've recovered three uninfected from the sauna room, lookin' a bit washed out, but happy to be alive"

Similarly the gate chamber barricade confirm that they have secured R n' R but that they've found an open maintenance shaft in the storeroom below.

As SG1's force move into security 2, howls can be heard coming from Medibay, the body count so far suggests there must be 30 - 40 crazies ahead. Flash grenades at the ready, Schultz calls a halt to the assault about to be launched on Medibay, somebody above, presumably Mahonney, has sent a text message, it reads


Assuming the worst Schultz quietly advises SG1 of the situation, aborting the assault Schultz instructs all three units to hold position and await further instruction.