Episode 2

3/4/2034 10.47am

As the rotors wind down McCready, Schultz and Gomez are escorted across the dew-covered grass and into the White House. Immediately they are seated in a large airy room where Krakov and numerous dark suited aids join them. Krakov reluctantly acknowledges their presence to the sniggers of several of the accompanying aids, McCready and co are left with little doubt as to what Krakov thinks of SGC. As Krakov mutters the double doors swing open and America's first non-white, female president sweeps into the room, President My-Shu-Lee.

"Really Louis, I don't think that's any way to address one this fine countries leading Generals or for that matter the esteemed anthropologist Dr Helen Schultz"

Immediately she addresses the gathering, refusing to let Krakov rule the roost, making it quite clear that whatever Krakov's prejudices she and she alone, would make any decision to made in respect of SGC's future.

3/4/2034 22.18

Some 10 hours later the three sit exhausted in the chopper as it rises into the darkening skies above the presidential gardens and reflect on the morning's events. At first apprehensive that it was simply to be a white wash, a fore gone conclusion, they had been surprised at the tack taken by My-Shu-Lee. Quickly she had dismissed Krakov's wildest accusations and assumptions, equally however, she immediately dispelled any hopes that the SGC visitation may get an easy ride. Relentlessly she had interrogated McCready and Krakov before turning her attentions to Schulz and finally Gomez. The SGC visitation literally squirmed under her gaze, leaving all three in little doubt who was most definitely in charge.

They had given a fair account of SGC, revealing more information than they had intended, however they were sure they would get a fair hearing from the President. As they settled back for the long flight back to Colorado Springs, McCready's mobile began to ring, sighing he flicked the cover back and noted it was an SGC number before he answered.

4/4/2034 1.01am

JJ was bored, he wouldn't have minded going to the White House and seeing the President, after all her legs looked pretty good in the photos, but nobody had asked him. Kapek and Catflap were off doing things, OK so somebody had to make things work, just as long as it wasn't down to him.

Feet up he sat channel hopping out of boredom. Suddenly he stopped, something had caught his eye, backtracking through the channels he eventually hit a local news report, it was just tailing off but reference was made to a car crash late the previous night. There had been 3 fatalities and the cause of the crash was unknown. The saloon was a write off, burnt beyond recognition, the reporter, cute ass, pointed to a couple of paramedics who were zipping up a body bag, the camera man was quick and got a shot of the corpse before they could zip it. JJ ignored her benign comments about the evils of drunk driving, his focus solely upon the ripped and burnt Pink Floyd t-shirt worn by the corpse.

4/4/2034 13.53pm

Whilst Catflap killed time cataloguing the items and data retrieved from Abydos and Quillis, a technician continued to study the video footage and data in respect of the incident in the gate chamber. On the point of giving up his analysis, he watched a previously unnoticed trace wave, isolating it from the background noise it turned out to be a simple binary code, more startlingly, it was Morse code, translating it, Gomez was presented with a stark warning,

"Hell awaits those who taste of the blood of Damnation"

Ah well, maybe its something SG1 can shoot.

5/4/2034 2.11am

Kapek was restless, it was to hot and he couldn't sleep, SGC had yet received no call from Schulz as to what had gone down with Krakov, they were all edgy about the outcome, by tomorrow they could all be out of work. Suddenly awake he blinked and realised he'd heard a shot, grabbing his side arm, he opened the door to his room, all quiet, was it imagination, better go see, not sure where it was but Medibay seemed like as good a place as anywhere.

As a naked Kapek disappeared down the corridor, JJ and Catflap emerged, half dressed but carrying side arm's, stumbled into the common room, suddenly sirens echo along the passage, looking at each other and fearing the worst they head towards the main complex.

Heading towards Medibay all three eventually come across an assortment of IS, medics and technicians milling around a thrown together barricade. JJ's military experience immediately takes over, demanding quiet; he drags the story out the collected personnel. As sirens whine and radios crackle, JJ gets the gist of what's happened, there had been a breakout from the isolation rooms, one of the infected had escaped and attacked an intern, it had spread, others, infected had fallen upon their former colleagues spreading it further.

Gunfire, accompanied by guttural screaming could now be heard down the corridor, organising a fire squad and liasing with other IS units over the intercom JJ began to sweep towards Medibay. Piecing together reports it sounded as if some 70 plus may have been caught in the outbreak before Medibay could be isolated.

Some reports were coming over the radio that several unaffected were trapped there but safe for the minute, reports were also coming in that several infected had been encountered and shot, indeed the barricade where JJ, Gomez and Catflap sheltered had been assaulted but successfully repelled. JJ considered their options, lock down or hot lead. Catflap decided McCready needed to know what was going down and made a call.

Kapek meantime looked down and decided to look for a pair of pants.