Episode 1

29/3/2034 7.37am

Returning back through the gate JJ is whisked away to surgery whilst the four abductees are spirited to the infirmary where they are housed under guard pending debriefing. Bo Didley, or Catflap, as the others in SG1 have jovially christened him, continues to oversee the retrieval and investigation of the bunker contents. Mahonney, demanding to know the cause of JJ's injuries, is somewhat pacified, but equally appalled, to learn that JJ's condition is nigh on self-inflicted, Mahonney makes comment to Schultz,

"We've gotta' talk about O'Harran, no, not now, but later yeah, I'm not sure he's fir'in on a full pack, he's to much of a loose cannon. I know your keen to keep him, but Jesus, Helen, he's a liability to the project and more importantly, you, it's hard enough to keep things on track as it is. The final decisions your call but I've got to be honest OK"

Mahonney is however mollified when Schultz confirms the recovery of the four abductees. Fortunately, for the minute, Schultz avoids mentioning that JJ's incident took out abductee number five.

Over the next several days JJ makes a good progress and is soon on his feet albeit hobbling about. Gomez, at a bit of a loose end integrates herself, much to the annoyance of DeVarn, into the debriefing of the abductees. Apart however from filling out a few of the details, the information forthcoming tells Gomez little more than SG1 already new.

Kapek opts for voluntary surgery as he wishes to be fitted with a cyber unit, right eye. This can be done within the base's own medical facilities, however records are "amended" to show that the operation was a necessity as a consequence of an accident in the storage facility above, after all SGC doesn't officially exist does it. Kapek has opted to install UV, Thermograph, Tele-optics and Micro-optics, he therefore joins JJ for some post-op R n' R.

30/3/2034 11.48am

McCready advises Schultz that there has been a number of small, but distinct power surges recorded in the SGC's control room, he wouldn't have mentioned it but they do not appear to have been apparent in the base above or the surrounding townships. Whilst this in itself is not of major concern, what itches is that he can't trace the dammed source, he will however, keep looking.

1/4/2034 14.17pm

Mahonney gives Schultz the "happy news" that they both are required to attend a Presidential debriefing at the White House on 3/4/2034 at 11.00am. Mahonney concludes that this is undoubtedly as a consequence of Louis F Krakov's earlier interrogation, a chopper to be available 5.15am on 3/4/34.

1/4/2034 16.57pm

McCready delivers a preliminary report to Schultz on the power surges, an analysis of data shows surges have been far more numerous than first thought. Against initial expectations however there appears to be no apparent correlation with the opening of the gate.

2/4/2034 2.57am

Brusquely awoken SG1 are ushered by security at the bequest of Mahonney to the briefing room where they sit blurry-eyed drinking coffee awaiting Mahonney, some few minutes later he enters, grabs a coffee and speaks,

"Well people, their gone, no please, thank you or jack shit, no paperwork, no trace, just four empty beds"

SG1 are left in no doubt that Mahonney is referring to the abductees. Expanding on his initial comments, Mahonney adds that apparently 2 blacked out saloons turned up at the base gate, the occupants were carrying agency ID and carrying letters for the immediate attention of the Base commander, Major Williams Fitzpatrick. The ID's were checked out and the vehicles passed through. Whilst two agents met the Major, four others, who obviously new where they were going, entered the lifts and dropped down to SGC and produced papers for the immediate transferral of the abductees. Using their authority the agency opp's team bulldozed security into giving them immediate access to the four, before Mahonney or others could be summoned the four had been whisked away.

Consulting with the Major above, it is apparent that he suspected a ruse, as his visitor's "urgent matters" were nonsense, however although aware of SGC, he is unaware of what exactly transpires below.

As Mahonney and SG1 converse, head of medicine, McClean, enters; he nods to SG1 and announces that along with the abductees' medical and debriefing records, additionally autopsy records on the recovered bodies have also gone. But, there is some good news, his hand written notes, which were in his private files, were overlooked.

Mahonney immediately orders that the recovered alien and cloned bodies recovered are placed under armed guard. Unfortunately the human bodies recovered, following identification, were cremated. Their relatives, where alive, have not been contacted or informed of their retrieval/recovery.

2/4/2034 13.24hrs

SG2 return from Abydos, as they pass through gate a huge power surge is detected and a blinding flash/explosion rips through the gate chamber. Instantly the gate goes into auto shut down and as alarms ring out, a squad of grunts swarm into the chamber to secure the gate. Medics are drafted in, however for most it's too late; of the eleven who had come back through the gate eight are dead. The unconscious survivors are immediately transferred to medibay for treatment.

Mahonney summons SG1 and demands answers, McCready shouts that he's in contact with those members of SG2 who remain on Abydos, SG2's recorded comments are replayed to those present,

"Jesus, what the fuck was that, what's going down, come back to me, the gates is down, I repeat the gate is down, three to collect, copy that command, Yep, I repeat three to collect, all A1 OK ready for supper and standing by"

2/4/2034 13.48

Mahonney orders the gate chamber to be cleared of all personnel, the gate, following minimum shut down times is rebooted and with some trepidation a connection to Abydos is made, McCready advises Schultz all seems OK and the remaining members of SG2 are recalled. An urgent debriefing is held with SG2, however from their end nothing other than premature shut down was seen.

As SG1, SG2, Mahonney, McCready and others stand discussing all that has happened and watching the clean up crew clear the debris from the gate chamber yet more sirens echo around the complex. Bursting into the meeting room a wide-eyed Medtech bellows for Mahonney to come immediately to medibay, before Mahonney can respond the young techie turns on his heal and runs. Looking skyward and throwing his arms wide Mahonney turns to those around him and suggests they all reconvene at medibay. As SG1 and co reach medibay a cluster of technicians, grunts and doctors can be seen clustered around a number of monitors. Trailing Mahonney, SG1 can see three isolation units on the screen, in each is, well, what can only be described as a figure battering themselves and anything they can get hold off against the doors, walls etc. Perplexed Mahonney starts to ask who they are, realising it's the three survivors of the explosion, turns to McClean, chief medic, to ask what is happening.

Quickly McClean outlines that the three, were placed still unconscious in isolation units simply because the cause of the blast was unknown and not because any thing, other than blast damage, was thought to be wrong with them. As their injuries were tendered, one of them, Ryan, started to come round. Fortunately, the nurse could se that all was not well, indeed far from it. As luck had it, one of the IS grunts had who had helped stretcher them down had remained in medibay. As Ryan had lunged for the medic he had the presence of mind to use his rifle butt to stun the recovering patient giving both himself and the medic time to evacuate the room, lock it and alert the medic's in the adjacent rooms. Watching the monitors the remaining two were seen to "recover" to a similar state as Ryan.

Making an instant judgement Mahonney orders that SGC is immediately placed on high alert, the lift shafts be shut down and the gate chamber, already part cleared, be sealed. Gomez comments that the air-conditioning to the gate chamber was used to clear the air from the chamber following the blast. Horrified Mahonney, knowing that in reality its probably too late, orders the air-conditioning to be reversed. Taking stock Mahonney requests that McClean makes all effort to identify the cause of the affliction.

2/4/2034 17.51

Reconvening several hours later in SG command, McClean delivers an initial report on his findings; he tells that the three have been rendered unconscious, gas, to allow them to be restrained, as thier condition had not changed. Tests so far have proved negative for anything they've tested for, the best he can say so far is that they have affected a primitive and extremely violent nature with little if any sign of anything more than animal instincts, thanking McClean, Mahonney turns to Schultz,

"OK people, we have a problem, myself and Helen are due to meet Krakov in 15 hours, SGC is under full alert and on isolation from above. If we don't turn up were shafted, if we report recent events were shafted, any suggestions ?"


"OK, reconvene in four hours, see what you can come up with"

Schultz, Gomez and Kapek spend the next several hour's head to head with McCready studying the gate records, power surge traces and video evidence. Catflap has the unfortunate duty of arranging for the families of SG2 and the recovery squad to be notified of an "accidental explosion" which has occurred at the storage depot. JJ, JJ just gets in every bodies way whilst the gate chamber is scrubbed down.

2/4/2034 19.36

Yet again, alarms sound, automatically the members of SG1 head for medibay, Mahonney is already present talking to McClean.

"So, correct me if I'm wrong Henry, what your telling me is that Osgood got loose and attacked one of your technicians and that two minutes later, the technician, Pui Shek, is a raving monster, trying to eat his way through 6" of wall, or at least he was until IS cut her to pieces"

2/4/2034 22.00

Mahonney, SG1, Devarn, McClean and McCready are sat in SG command drinking coffee.

Schultz reports that they know the source of the blast, its origin is not as first thought Abydos or Quillis, but is in fact a as yet non-contact address, This proves that the gate not only receives when open but also when powered down.

McClean too, has news, really the breakthrough was the secondary infection of the technician, Pui-Shek; the disease is transmitted by bodily fluids, primarily blood. Infected tissue/blood on the nails/teeth etc of the carrier is transmitted to the victim during the frenzied attack. The infected victim is immediately becomes agitated and fits; within two minutes he/she has joined the monster club. McClean adds that this is still hypothesis, as despite best efforts, nothing has yet been identified in the victim's blood samples. It can't however be airborne or else we'd all be infected. Fortunately when the SG chamber was sluiced down every body was at least suited and booted so contamination free, similarly it didn't get picked up straight away because the SG2 survivors were knocked out by the blast and didn't come round until they were in medibay.

Mahonney turns to the table,

"Well people, where do we go from here ?"