Episode 3

28/3/2034 11.43am

Abashed, embarrassed and bruised JJ creakily climbs to his feet and with a nod from Schultz takes point. SG1, minus Bo Didley, who is left supervising the removal of bodies etc from the bunker, head off along the overgrown track.

Moving slowly along the trail Schulz realises that that the flora and fauna which surround SG1 are all as would be found back on earth, they are however from all four corners of the planet. Scanning the airwaves Kapek frustratingly comments that there's jack shit out there, just static. After a couple miles of pensive movement JJ raises a hand, gesturing the others to the floor, JJ whispers that there are buildings ahead. SG1, after a quick reccy' conclude that there are 30 - 40 single storey flat topped units, without any sign of movement.

JJ and Gomez quietly work there way forward and confirm the place is deserted. It's clear from the craters and melted structures that the settlement has been subjected to some serious aerial bombardment. Searching the clearing its looks as if its been that way for a good few years. Poking around the buildings various scrawled texts are found. Schultz is astounded to discover that it's a diary of the settlement. In brief it describes a bizarre record of existence, from their sudden appearance, well here, wherever the hell here is, to the discovery, and ultimate sacking off, the "watchers" observation bunker.

Little reference is made to the watcher's controllers other than to note that following the bunker assault, they, the abducted, discovered an alien "master race". After the bunker assault, the diary has only a single entry, which refers to the devastating reprisal attack on the settlement; the text refers to searing lights/energy blasts from above. From a population, including settlement borne children, of approximately 350, the attack left survivors numbering less than 20. Other scraps of paper, home made, record day-to-day memories of individuals and their personnel stories. From these fragments SG1 conclude that the abducted first started appearing 50 years or so ago and the assault on the bunker was, maybe, 10 - 20 years back. The diaries also record that whilst some relationships did produce children who aged, the original abducted did not appear to get any older.

Other information confirms that the settlement is in some kind of regulated/closed environment, in the day its warm, it rains once a week or so and at dusk/dawn somebody flicks the light switch. Despite the apparent abandonment after the devastation of the settlement, the environment control has continued, although the supply of basic tools, foodstuffs etc ceased.

Schultz, assuming "lights out" must be close, decides that SG1 will spend the night within the settlement. As they set up camp for the night, the buildings intrigue Kapek, they appear to be formed of pre-fabricated shells, with regular window/door openings and flat roofs. The material has no visible joints, sounds hollow to the touch and despite its melted state resulting from the massive energy strike from skies, is incredibly resistant to impact damage.

Whilst Schultz continues to study the retrieved records, Gomez comments that she has attempted to take bearings however the compass is either frigged or there's no magnetic pole, Kapek volunteers that maybe its to with the apparent controlled dome.

As lights out presumably approaches, SG1 set themselves out for the imposed night; JJ consults with Schultz and retreats outside the unit chosen for their stopover. Clearing the ground around the entrance of cube, JJ buries a number of anti personnel devices to form a secure perimeter, shortly thereafter the lights do indeed, go out.

Gradually SG1 settle in for the night in pitch-blackness, no stars, no moon, a complete absence of light other than SG1 torches, glow sticks etc. Opting to take dead watch JJ sits listening to the gentle snores of Schultz, Gomez and Kapek, which in the surrounding silence sounds incredibly loud. Fighting off sleep, JJ occasionally makes a IR/LI sweep of the perimeter but is still startled to see 4 maybe 5 figures almost within spitting distance stealthily moving towards him across the clearing. Taken aback JJ's commits the cardinal sin of stepping forward towards the figures forgetting the earlier planted anti personnel devices. In the silence of the night the explosion is deafening to say the least, JJ is hurtled across the clearing and at least one of the approaching figures is caught in the blast.

As Schultz and co scramble to their feet, Gomez screams a warning about the remaining charges, freezing, Schultz's low lite picks up several figures fleeing towards the trees. Kapek, igniting a number of flares, marks the position of JJ's remaining mines and then follows Gomez towards JJ's prone body. Dragging JJ back inside, Schultz gives him the once over and is surprised to find he's not dead, yet. Checking the intruder/female/human, the same cannot be said.

Applying field dressings to JJ's recumbent form, Schultz is seriously concerned as to whether JJ will last the night, in darkness however to try and reach the bunker would probably kill him anyway. Deciding to remain until lights up SG1 make JJ as comfortable as practicable and settle in.

Some hours later and abruptly as darkness fell, the lights flick on. With static still on all frequencies, Schultz and Gomez rig a stretcher for JJ. A shout from Kapek alerts Schultz and Gomez that somebody is approaching. Weapons at the ready, SG1 watch as 4 figures hesitantly enter camp, 3 men and 1 woman. Dressed in homespun and bearing homemade blades and bows, the 4 raise their arms and hail the party. Its quickly established that they are the group who approached the night before with such disastrous consequences, they are sorry for the injury their approach caused to JJ but seem resigned to accept their own loss with stoic resignation.

Schultz briefly outlines who SG1 are, if not what they are, and suggests the 4 return with SG1 to the bunker, not quite understanding the gate concept but that there is away out of here, the 4 readily accept Schultz's offer and aid in the carrying of JJ's stretcher.

Reaching the bunker an hour or later, SG1 are challenged but quickly recognised by several SG grunts, contact is immediately established with SGC, a medic team is despatched to the bunker to oversee JJ's evacuation. With a last look over her shoulder Schultz notes that all the bodies and terminals have been removed, satisfied she steps through the gate and orders shut down.