Episode 1

1/3/2034 morning Following return from Abydos - first encounter -

A research team, overseen by Schultz, is put to work to decipher the mass of information retrieved from the inner sanctum of the pyramid. Schultz also finds herself embroiled in endless bureaucracy writing and rewriting endless reports relating to every aspect of SG1's "first contact". This cumulates in a tedious interrogation carried out by the Presidents chief of staff, Louis F Krakov. When Krakov finally departs, 3 days later, Schultz distinctly feels that Krakov would happily see the SG and all it entails go up in smoke.

Over the following weeks Schultz, Gomez, JJ and Kapek press forward with completing various tasks commenced during the return visits to earth. During the initial briefing however the burial chambers encountered within the foothills are discussed at length. Mahonney and Schultz finally decide that they warrant further investigation; Bo Didley volunteers to return to Abydos to undertake this research and thus emerges SG2.

Amongst other things, JJ and Gomez remain very interested in the use and operation of the recovered energy staffs, 6 in total. Retiring to the firing range JJ and Gomez spend several days, eventually, pulverising targets, however after near constant usage, the two staffs used begin to, and eventually, lose all power. Returning to the facility workshops they proceed to butcher one of the drained down staffs into opening. Study of the staffs internals gives an insight into the alien technology but unfortunately does not reveal how the staff can be recharged, it is surmised the it requires some kind of field generator. The status of the 4 remaining staffs remains unknown.

Kapek meanwhile, ably assisted by several technicians, concentrates with the ongoing problem of producing a communication device, which will operate between earth and off world. After many, many hours, and not a few singed eyebrows, a prototype device is ready for field-testing. The unit is unfortunately relatively bulky due to the shielding required to encase the portable wormhole generator thrown together. Accompanied by a team of grunts, JJ, Gomez & Kapek return to Abydos to test the unit. Warily they emerge into bright sunlight on the plateau, bar another sandstorm nothing has changed since their previous departure. Whilst the grunts check over the quads etc, Kapek tries the commo unit, to his delight, success. Unfortunately however when the gate is powered down, contact is lost. After some head scratching Kapek orders the grunts to collect the batteries from the quads and the trail bike, 24V and 6V respectively. With a bit of judicious wiring the power of the unit is boosted and communication attempted. Although not perfect Kapek's gut feeling is that he made a connection despite not receiving any acknowledgement. When the gate is reopened the grunts wheel the quads etc back home leaving only the wired fuel dump.

On returning to SGC Kapek's assistants confirm a faint but audible contact was received with the boosted power supply. Works continue therefore to provide a compact but higher rated portable power source. After several more days the outcome is a compromise, a unit is built such that it can be wheeled through the gate and hooked up with a receiver/transmitter slaved to a hand held commo unit of 50 mile range. Although not ideal it does allow communication off world when the gate is shut, however Kapek continues to work on a miniature power cell in order to develop a pocket size unit.

Finally Gomez's repeated requisition request for an autogyro, 2 seater, pays off, unfortunately however both Gomez and JJ, both of whom can fly the unit, realise that whilst it will go through the gate, the plateau is not big enough for the unit to get airborne.

Severely disgruntled as this Gomez gets an idea and after a search of boy's toys magazines, orders a 9' long remote control dirigible. Two days later a bemused grunt delivers a package from the postman. Hooking it up with a cctv unit, Gomez and JJ, along with several bored grunts go back through the gate and watched the pretty balloon circle the village and locate the mine workings.

Over the course of endless briefing sessions hosted by Schultz and Mahonney concerns are raised over the "first contact" ATV, this results in the unit being substantially upgraded. Kapek builds a second remote commo unit, which is fitted direct, to the ATV, which itself is capable of carrying a bulkier power unit. Additionally IR, LI, video and audio up-links are fitted along with much more powerful spotlights and motion sensors. Attempts are also made to fit lightweight shielding to the most sensitive components.

Some 4 weeks have elapsed since returning from Abydos, not including the various sorties back to field test the commo unit, and Mahonney calls a briefing for 11.30 on 27/3/2034.

Briefing Room - Mahonney advises that Bo Didley returned yesterday evening from Abydos, SG2 remaining off world to further investigate the "burial chambers" discovered in the foothills around the valley. Initial reports suggest the chambers to be far more numerous than originally anticipated. Not have yet been entered, but this will change in the next few hours. Mahonney also reports however that SG2 have returned to the village. The report states that all is not well, no sign of life is present and the village has effectively been abandoned/cleared. The villagers who had been crucified etc are as was and the tower has internally been striped of all equipment. There is no sign of a struggle but many of the huts have obviously been forcibly entered and personnel affects remain.

Mahonney also advises that there are many issues, which the chief of staff is unhappy about, this may become a problem in respect of future funding.

Finally discussion turns to "what next", whilst Mahonney has his own personal reservations for the safety of SG1, he accepts that it is vital to learn as much about "off world" as they can as quickly as possible, who knows when the chief of staff may come back. Any information the away teams can gather may be of vital importance in maintaining the Presidents support for the operation. With this in mind a second set of co-ordinates are selected, including the calibration amendment 10, a decision to launch the modified ATV at 10.00 next morning is agreed.

28/3/2034 10.00am

SG1, joined by Bo Didley, are grouped in the gate control chamber waiting for the monitors to display the information gathered by the ATV. As JJ passes through it appears there is a fault, blank screens, silence etc however it is soon realised that JJ has entered an enclosed/darkened area. Flicking on the searchlights reveals a room. The ceiling/walls have partly collapsed, bodies are present and there are signs of a firefight. All however is quiet and covered in accrued debris suggesting the events are not recent. Unfortunately the ATV can not get much beyond the gate, several bodies, humanoid, can be seen although something doesn't look quite right, one of the sprawled figures however, definitely human, can clearly be seen to be wearing a faded Pink Floyd tour T-shirt.