Episode 6

27/2/2034 2200 hrs

Schultz makes a spur of the moment decision, approaching the remaining villagers she lets it be known that if the they, the villagers, which to leave this place they will be made welcome to come with the SG1. The villagers however are none to pleased with their visitors, after all every time they've appeared villagers have died, additionally they don't really understand the offer - there isn't anyplace else to go except the desert.

Realising the futility of pursuing the matter Schultz and co collect the three discarded energy blades and head out. Using her gills Gomez strips and is able to cross the river without much trouble. Unfortunately however the current of the river prevents her dragging a raft back by the same route and she ends up some quarter of a mile upstream. Watching from the bank Kapek can see Gomez's angled progress. Retrieving her discarded apparel Kapek heads of along the bank to meet her. Shivering, Gomez clambers up the riverbank and quickly dresses, and then with Kapek's help they pull the raft along the bank back to where Schultz, JJ and Bo wait their return.

As they prepare to pole across the river Gomez stretches and glances sky ward, to the east she sees what at first looks like a storm, as the group watch they realise it is a storm of sorts, a sand storm. Watching the progress of the storm it is apparent that they will barely cross the river before it is upon them, and once crossed they will be stranded in the open against the full force of the storm.

Scanning around it is clear that the nearest shelter is the part built pyramid about a half a mile to the south, with luck JJ reckons they'll just make it if they double time it. Just in time JJ and Gomez rig up basic shelters behind the abandoned stone blocks and the companions crawl inside to sit out the wind driven sands. Several hours later the fury of the storm has abated and the group venture out and strike camp. Heading back down to the river the raft is dragged into the water and the river, inexpertly, crossed.

After a brief discussion the group decide that as night isn't that far off they'll head towards the great pyramid and from there across the sands towards the gate. A quick call to base camp reveals every things ok and progress is good with the repairs. Continuing in single file they make good time towards the towering pyramid ahead, darkness however precedes them and a light rope is strung between the group to ensure nobody gets lost.

Reaching the foot of the pyramid not a lot can be so JJ volunteers to recognisance the main entrance. Reluctantly this agreed upon but JJ is severely warned not go beyond a simple look-see and to keep in contact. As JJ heads up the side of the main entrance steps/ramp the others hug the side of the pyramid base and wait. Waiting and watching Gomez points out that something is out there in the dessert. Eyes straining through LI and IR goggles/cyber units the watching four are relieved when the approaching enemy turns out to be a number of armadillo type creatures snuffling about in the sand. Visibly relaxing, the silence is suddenly shattered when a single gunshot erupts from the darkness, dropping to readiness Kapek calls up JJ on the intercom "JJ, JJ, is that you, are you hurt, talk to me"

After what seems like an eternity JJ's measured response is "oops, er, sorry about that, I, er, sought off, well, no harm done really, I fell, that's all, honestly it was accident, is Schultz really pissed with me" From the thunderous look on Schultz's face, Kapek guessed the answer was yes, definitely yes.

Picking himself up, JJ winced at the thought of the tongue lashing he was goner get for that fuck up, but time for that later, here and now he needed to see what was inside the fucking enormous hole in the wall. Moving silently forward, he flicked from IR to LI and back again, no heat sources and even with his low lite he could see fuck all down the passage, if that's what it was. Feeling his way inside he could just make out columns cut into the entrance jambs. Easing along the walls of the entrance more such columns could be felt about thirty yards in, however LI or not, there wasn't a dam thing he could make out ahead.

Back outside Gomez was getting edgy, she was dubious about JJ's ability to control himself and didn't like sitting out in the open like this. Eventually Schultz agreed that this was too risky and that JJ should be called back, after all just because no body came running when JJ's gun went off didn't mean it wasn't a trap. Moving up the steps the group, lead by Schultz approached the entrance. Advised of the blackness within Schultz is struck by an idea, throwing caution to the wind and warning JJ, Schultz points her digital camera down the passage and rattles off a couple of shots. The flash, even with his eyes closed, is blinding within the passage and it is several minutes before JJ can tell his arse from his elbow. Blinking JJ staggers forward muttering, "Yeah, thanks for the warning, made a really big difference didn't it, still at least you didn't make any noise and attract attention". A quick look at the digital images didn't unfortunately tell them much more than JJ could, the massive passage seemed to continue on towards the heart of the pyramid without change.

Heading as the crow flies the group make haste across the sands towards home base, reaching the base of the scree they start to climb. It is soon apparent however that what looked like an easy climb in daylight from above is a bastard of a climb from below in darkness. Constantly slipping and stumbling down on loose shale and hidden crevices it is a tired and bruised party that reach the plateau as sun up approaches. Scrambling the last few feet the group are pleased to finally be on level ground. Advised that the gate control is nearly sorted, Schultz tells the four to get some kip for a couple of hours whilst, hopefully, the techy's get things sorted. The guards collar Gomez as she retires and ask whether they had trouble down below "we heard gunfire and there was a hell of a flash"

Waking mid morning, the group grab breakfast and gather at the gate, the head SG techie, McCready, obviously looked pleased with himself and it didn't need his report to tell those gathered that he'd fixed the gate control unit. Schultz ordered that the remaining technical staff and grunts should return to SGC before the control at this end was tested. Therefore it was some 2 hours later after the scheduled opening from SGC had been closed that McCready, Schultz, Bo, Gomez, JJ and Kapek began shut down procedures from their off world location.

Nervously McCready looked to Schultz for the go ahead and getting the nod initiates shut down procedures. Testing circuits indicated that all was well and that the gate had indeed terminated its contact with earth. After a brief interval earth's code is punched in and the gate start up sequence initialised. AS the gate starts to spin however all gathered can clearly see the faint trace of smoke rising from the circuitry. Quickly powering down and much to the relief of all watching, Schultz and McCready discover the problem is nothing more than a minor short, make good and reconnect. Success, some 20 minutes later SG1 and McCready are being congratulated by Mahonney in the SG chamber and then heading down to sickbay for the all important return trip medical.

Gomez notes with disgust that her requisition for an autogyro remains unfulfilled, however Kapek and Schultz's language chips have finally arrived (level 3 Egyptian/Arabic)