Episode 5

27/2/2024, 8.30 earth time

Emerging back into the SG chamber General Mahonney suggests the all get some rest and meet back in the command room at 15.45 hrs.

Regrouping later that day a brief discussion determines that the group must return to off world to learn more of their protagonists and the gates potential to connect with other worlds. As the discussion continues Schultz dispatches a number of SG technicians through the gate to begin attempts to repair the sabotaged control panel.

Some 20 minutes later the discussion is interrupted by an out of breath technician "Sorry to interrupt Sir, but, well, the other side, there's something going on Sir. I really think you should see it Sir its, well, you should just come look Major Schulz Sir" Quickly the debriefing is completed and the group hastily pulls their equipment together and head for the SG chamber. Collecting the latest requisition Gomez notes with disappointment that the Gyroblade still hasn't been procured, similarly nor have the language chips.

As they emerge from the gate the scaffold tarpaulin to mask the gates light burst is part erected however the grunts gesture for Schultz and Co to come see. Approaching the raised lip of the plateau the group are astounded to see an enormous ship atop the great pyramid. Watching events unfold, figures encased in the same armour archaic armour can be seen herding some 30 or villagers up the ramp and into the pyramid entrance. Two guards emerge from the pyramid and head off on foot towards the village. An hour or so later the vast mother ship slowly disengages from the top of the pyramid and climbs at some speed, eventually passing out of sight.

As the dust settles Kapek confirms he's got it all on tape for transmission to SGC. Whilst the group discuss what course of action they should follow, Schultz checks with the technicians on progress with the repair of the gate control unit, "looking good Sir, another couple of hours an' I reckon we'll have it decoded, just hope the bits we've replicated do the job" Deciding to leave the grunts to guard the tech's SG1 debate whether to head for the village or scout out the great pyramid. Eventually the decision goes in favour of the village, leaving behind the quads etc they head off afoot down the now familiar path.

Four hours or so later with darkness all most upon them they head across the river making use of the rafts on the North bank of the river. Landing on the southern bank the sun finally drops behind the mountain peaks. Schultz, Bo and Kapek settle in whilst JJ and Gomez slope off to nose around. Approaching the gate the pair can see it is badly smashed from within the compound. Peering through the darkness a few small heat sources, cooling hearths, dogs, pigs etc, (IR/LL) are observed. Impatiently JJ slips through the opening and approaches the building line, passing between the huts he notes a figure, male, relieving himself against a wall, quietly moving up behind him, he recognises the villager and taps him on the shoulder.

Startled the villager turns and screams and rewards JJ for his silent approach by pissing on JJ's boots. Clamping his hand over the villager's mouth he tries to muffle his squeals, but to late, other figures are emerging from the huts. Quickly JJ heads back towards the gate where Gomez waits to give covering fire if required. As JJ passes through the gate he can see figures crucified against the inner face of the outer palisade, however he does not delay his exit to check for life. Once outside he and Gomez head for the three at the river where he fills all four of them in on the crucifixions.

Sure they were not followed they wait several hours before again attempting to enter the village. As earlier JJ and Gomez move forward whilst the others follow slowly behind. Reaching the gates JJ again heads in but this time moves in the direction of the tower. Watching the tower from the shadows JJ notes that the tower once again is host to one of the aircraft seen before. Additionally his LI goggles pick out bodies staked out in the clearing, flicking to IR, weak heat sources show some but not all are still alive. Meanwhile Kapek, Schultz and Bo reach the palisade and scout along the outer face, finding no other point of entry and not wishing to climb the palisade they turn and return to the gate. As Gomez watches from just inside the gateway she is astonished to see Kapek, who has ran ahead of the other two, disappear past her and into cover of the huts. Immediately the silence is broken as Kapek, not benefiting from Low Lite imagery runs full tilt into one of the huts. As JJ continues to watch he is horrified to hear the crashing of a collapsing building and what sounds like shouts for help from Kapek behind.

Falling further back into the shadows he looks on to see the door of the tower slide back and three armour-clad figures emerge, each armed with an energy staff, the three quickly separate and head out through the village. Quietly JJ un-slings his gauss rifle and remembering the previous encounter engages the under slung grenade launcher. Gomez looks on in fascinated horror from the gate, as villagers carrying torches begin to appear from their homes and Kapek flounders, apparently unhurt, in the wreckage of what was fortunately only a lightweight lean-to. JJ targets and watches as the closest Jaffa warrior passes him by. Unleashing a grenade, HEAP, at the figures back, he grins with satisfaction as the shot hits and enters the back of the Jaffa's head, only remembering at the last minute to duck, HEAP grenades at point blank is dangerous, very dangerous.

As the explosion rocks the village one of the two remaining Jaffa comes into view of the gate. Gomez splits left, Schultz right, Bo, and Kapek, who has regained the gate, drop and open fire. Kapek unleashes a full burst of from his Ingram but despite multiple hits fails to penetrate the Jaffa's armour, equally however the energy blast unleashed in Kapek's direction strikes only a glancing blow and fails to penetrate Kapek's skin weave. Shrugging aside the minor injuries inflicted, the Jaffa raises his energy staff and fires, fortunately Kapek's salvo had at least distracted the Jaffa, allowing Bo and Schultz to return fire, grenades, HEAP, from their newly acquired gauss rifles. Schultz's shot falls short; Bo's however goes high and drops into the cleared area before the tower. JJ, still ensconced near the tower, watches in disbelief as a grenade, from God knows where, rips apart the villagers pegged out on the ground. As Kapek empties the remnants of his clip, again to little effect, Bo fires a second shot and more by luck than judgement fatally wound's the second Jaffa. Off to the right Gomez of the gate grapples to bring the RPGL into play, as she hefts it to her shoulder the third Jaffa breaks cover and levels his staff towards her and fires, in his hurry however the shot goes high overhead. With devastating effect Gomez launches a RPG towards the crouching figure and scores a direct hit against her opponent.

When the dust settles little can be found which resembles the recently deceased warrior. Miraculously however his fallen energy staff appears to be intact. Regrouping near the base of the tower the group are watched by the remaining villagers, the atmosphere, unlike the previous visit now has a distinct edge to it. Entering the tower no other Jaffa are encountered and Kapek heads straight for the flight deck of the craft above. Quickly joined by Bo the two attempt to power up the craft. Watching on from a safe distance and to the sound of screaming engines the craft lurches to one side but fails to rise up. Within the twin seater cockpit Bo and Kapek use their combined technical knowledge to launch the craft. Unfortunately whilst they manage to engage the main power unit they fail to disengage the locking mechanism from the tower roof, result, smoke and flames which eventually drive the budding pilots from the craft and tower, not before however Kapek manages to blast the rock face above the village with a barrage of energy bolts from the crafts multiple energy cannons.

Gathering beyond the tower Bo, Kapek, Gomez and JJ look towards Major Schultz and await instruction.