Episode 3

26/2/2024, 15.15 earth time - 9.00am Abydos

Nervously they wait, half-expecting betrayal. After an hour or so Achmed, as he's been christened, throws back the door curtain. He drops food and water as well as basic bedding, without explanation he gestures that the group should stay hidden and disappears back out of the hut. Slowly quiet settles on the sleeping village, with only the occasional barking dog/crying child disturbing the night. The group attempts an uneasy rest, nerves however get the better and just before dawn JJ slips out to see what, if anything, is going down.

Heading towards the tower he carefully makes his way through the village - all is quiet. At last the tower can be seen, it is clear that something is now on the peak of the roof, its silhouette suggests an aircraft of some kind, hard to tell in this light. Light can also be seen filtering out of the high level louvers. With little else to see JJ carefully returns and reports his observations.

Eventually the dishevelled group become aware of the growing light beyond the huts walls, as noise outside rises Achmed again appears, slightly more relaxed, the group, now sporting a mixture of fatigues and local dress, emerge to breakfast with an audience of children. Looking around it seems that many of the village's have departed to work the fields etc before it gets to hot. As the group continues to establish communication and Gomez records audio/visual evidence, a growing whine can be heard, almost immediately a ship, the ship from the tower can be seen lifting clear of the village and climbing at high speed to the East.

As they continue to question Achmed, who is still highly reluctant to discuss their "Overseers" Kapek suddenly grabs Achmed's arm and points to a puncture wound to the inside of his elbow, checking out others in their "audience" similar markings are found, these markings were not there the night before. With great reluctance and under some duress Achmed reveals that their overseers bleed them approximately once a month. Eventually he is forced to admit that their blood once collected is removed from the village only to be used by their overseer's masters. With thoughts of Hollywood, and naturally some scepticism, the group, accompanied by Achmed, approach the tower happy in the knowledge that its occupant(s) have recently departed. Achmed eventually however gets the message across that the number of the tower occupants varies, he is unsure if the tower is empty.

Undeterred they investigate, circling the tower it is found to be smooth stone, oval, 3 - 5m high (slope in ground level) with a tight fitting flush metal door free of handles, locks or fixings. Schultz attempts to X-ray the door/walls alas to thick; she does note however that there is a humming noise emanating through the door. Watched from the shadows by the villagers the Xactors, after several failed attempts, manage to hoist JJ on to the roof from the higher ground level. To the sounds of protest from Achmed JJ clatters up the roof to the apex from he shouts down that theres some kind of hatch, but there's no visible lock or way of opening. Noisily JJ backs down to the roof edge and attaches one of Gomez's bugs to the louver frames. Through the louver he can hear the hum heard from the door. Also there is a slight gap around the louver through which metal decking can be seen.

As he drops back down Achmed screams and crumples, JJ 's combat training takes over as he instinctively throws himself out of the line of fire. Gomez's military training too kicks in, as she unhitches her Ingram but in her haste the gun jams. As she clears the blockage a second bolt of energy screams over her head. The Ingram cleared, Gomez unleashes what should be a devastating blast of hot lead, as the barrage hits home she is shocked to see it has about as much affect as a pea shooter. Kapek meanwhile uses the cover of the tower to take stock, Achmed is clearly dead his chest blown apart. Looking on, Kapek watches as Bo scrabbles to get out of the way, but to late, what is obviously some kind of energy weapon hits home, Bo drops silently to the ground. Glancing back Kapek can see Schultz disappearing from view around the tower.

Assessing the situation JJ rises and levels his M90G at their antagonist and sprays a burst of gauss shells over the armoured target causing minor damage. Kapek, keen to be of assistance blindly fires at arms length from cover, like Gomez his Viper fails to penetrate. As the figure levels his weapon to fire again Schultz, having circled the tower fires at the figures back, unfortunately whilst her aim is true her Colt doesn't pack the punch required. It does however cause enough of a distraction to allow JJ the time to use the M90G's under slung grenade launcher. Loaded with high explosive armour piercing rounds it proves just too much, the figure drops, its chest ripped open. Running forward JJ seeing that the figure is incredibly still alive, sticking the muzzle of his rifle in its chest cavity he blows it to hell.

To late Schultz shouts, "No, I've got questions" JJ shrugs and turns away. Bo, again conscious, desperately tries to stick flesh and bone back together. Schultz applies a field dressing to the wound, his left foot/shin is all but gone, spare parts are definitely required. Glancing up Kapek announces that the door to the tower is now ajar. On examination the body is that of a male approximately 2.3m tall in his armour, his flesh where now exposed is dark. His armour is fashioned of layered metal; the headpiece being birdlike in design, given its resistance to their initial fire Gomez is surprised at its lightness. JJ has, unsurprisingly, picked up the energy weapon, it comprises a staff some 1.8m long, 35mm diameter, pointed at one end and rounded at the butt. There is no obvious trigger or barrel. The watching villagers are shocked/stunned at what has just occurred and slowly/silently start to edge forward towards the group.