Episode 2

24/2/2024, 13.30 earth time - 6.20am Abydos

At first light the group grabs a hasty meal and decides on a change of plan, back tracking the goat paths (collecting Gomez's tracking sensors on route) to the gate the group waits for the gate to open, the intention being to return to SGC to collect additional gear. Some 2 hours later the gate opens and SG1 go through.

Initial findings are reported to Mahonney, and then they quickly arrange their requirements; Additional personnel communication units 3No. 175cc 2 stroke trail bikes Hand held pc units, see below 2 x 45G barrels of fuel Broad band scanner Camouflage/scrim nets etc 6 boxes, 4 per box, anti-personnel claymore, laser trip 6D6 damage Additional food, tents etc 3 rolls razor wire - 180M total Whilst the above items are drawn from stores Schultz visits the SGC's surgical/cyber unit and arranges for a quick exchange of her IR unit for a LI unit. Kapek meanwhile spends some time setting up a basic radio system using the hand pc units such that information can be downloaded by remote when the gate is activated. Although crude it is effective requiring only a cable to be thrown through the gate to act as an aerial from SGC.

Some 8 hours later SG1 all is acquired and SG1 are ready to roll and opt to return immediately to Arriving back at base camp - 23.30 earth time, 6.10pm off world - Schultz dictates that they should head for the river along the previous route, however as darkness is rapidly approaching the remaining hours of light are spent constructing a more permanent base camp. JJ mines the fuel dump, single claymore beneath a drum remembering to tell the others. Razor wire is also laid around the camp perimeter. Food is prepared and watches set. Kapek positions the data transmitter on top of the star gate out of harms way. During JJ's watch a light again cuts through the night sky. At first light they push on towards the river. The trail bikes whilst expedient are disturbingly loud in the silent mountains.

True to JJ and Gomez's words the going gets easier, other tombs can now be seen similar to those previously scene. Pausing at a third cave entrance Schultz examines the masonry closely; a cursory once over with the X-ray unit reveals a series of voids at chest level. They appear to be flask shaped and about 150mm high, partly filled with a liquid with a wire running back into the stonework. Producing a crude map (Gomez) they drop down the last half a mile or so, the earlier noted ruin can be seen west of their position, a raised dais, 60' x 30' with a double line of broken and crumbling columns. Reaching the water line they turn down river, East, and head towards the possible settlement, arable land can be seen along the banks of the river with figures crouched working in the fields.

After a brief exchange Schultz and JJ walk openly ahead with Gomez hugging the ground a few hundred yards behind. The figures ahead stand hesitantly watching the approaching Schultz and JJ. Glancing back JJ can see that despite Gomez's best efforts the lack of cover along the river negates Gomez's best efforts to conceal her self from a trained eye. Schulz and JJ meet the remaining three figures, the bulk of which have departed down river on flat rafts. The exchange that follows is difficult, part gesture, lots of hand waving etc. The three men, 20 -30 years old, are dressed poorly and obviously of Arabic extraction. JJ speaks passable Arabic learnt during his service years. The three speak in a tongue whose roots are a similar but tantalisingly different.

Whilst this communication stutters on, Salem and Bo Didley join the pair, Gomez remains at a distance. JJ, Schultz and the others continue in their efforts. JJ resorts to script, the three seem to recognise some of the characters but are apparently not happy with writing, going so far as to constantly scrub out JJ's efforts in the dirt. Gesturing the group to follow they push a raft into the water and with Schultz and co in tow pole down the river towards the settlement.

As they near the village the group can see that a canal has been cut from the river to the village, which stands in a cutting in the hillside. Looking back they can Gomez on a raft behind, unfortunately Gomez has never poled a raft before and soon loses the raft and is left clinging to a pole which gently subsides into the quickly flowing water. Others have noted this and several locals hurl themselves into the water as Gomez disappears beneath the surface. Gomez can't swim however she does have artificial gills. Thinking quickly she sees her rescuers and pretends to be drowning - breathing under water might upset the locals.

Eventually SG1 stand in front of the village gates, the settlement is protected by a wall 15' high being a mixture of stone, mud and timber posts, beyond the buildings are similarly constructed, mainly single story and in a ramshackle condition. Gomez however points to a single structure, which is entirely different. Built of stone with a conical roof, possibly metal, oval in shape it stands separately on cleared ground. With a single doorway accessed via steps and narrow horizontal shutters at high level and possibly a hatch at its peak the building is truly alien to the landscape. The villagers shy away from the structure and quickly arrange food and drink well away from the building. Night draws in and attempts continue to communicate, written scribbling in the dirt continues to upset the locals. The evening's attempts however rapidly end as a light/craft descends from above and disappears over the rooftops. SG1 are literally pushed into a nearby hut and signs of their presence quickly covered. SG1 stand nervously waiting to see what will occur.