Episode 1

23/2/2024 - 10.30am -

Briefing Room General Artimus Mahonney sits at the head of the table in the briefing room, which overlooks the Stargate chamber. The five members of the Stargate "away team" listen as he outlines the mission.

"Well this is it ladies and gentlemen, if you want to withdraw knows you're your time to speak your mind, no takers? Well then lets get this show on the road. We've all seen the recordings, we know there's a breathable atmosphere and that gravity is slightly less than what your use to, apart from that we know, well we know very little to be perfectly honest. We expect, well hope, you may encounter life, hopefully human, but, and it's a big but, do not engage if you think it/they are hostile." "I know you two" - indicates JJ and Gomez - "can handle most things, but I want you all back in one piece, or at least in a bag so we can stick the bits together" - looking at JJ."

"That's about it people, any questions?"

A discussion follows, it is agreed that the gate, which remains open for 40 minutes unless deliberately shut down, will be opened every 12 hours earth time. (From the information already gathered about, it has been established that the day/night cycle is approximately 20 earth hours and that sunrise/sunset rapidly occur. The terrain appears rocky and arid with very bright days and very dark nights, temperature readings indicate extreme variations day very hot, night very cold.) Various other items/possessions are gathered and then with a formal salute Artimus wishes the group luck and Schultz leads the way down to the SG chamber. As the party look on, the technicians in the control room carefully initiate the power up procedures and the gate grinds into motion. Although all present have seen this before, all is quiet as it dawns that this is for real.

On the ramp, JJ, full of bravado, tied via a secured cable, steps into and through the shimmering space before him and disappears.

Off world - early a.m.? -

JJ emerges/stumbles onto a level rocky shelf, feeling nauseous he catches his breath and then years of combat takes over. Scanning his surroundings mountains can be seen on three sides with a vast shallow valley visible over the rim of the clearing to his front. The levelled area he stands on is clearly "man-made" and God dam hot. What grabs his attention however is the enormous pyramid central to the valley, other structures can be seen but none compare to the main attraction. Conscious of the tugging of the cable at his waist he turns to re-enter the gate, as he does so he catches a glimpse of a darting figure, a young boy maybe and goats, definitely goats, in the distance to his left. With these observations in mind he steps back into the gateway.

Back in the chamber the group wait expectantly/nervously, after a few minutes JJ reappears through the flickering disc, a noticeable sigh of relief can be heard from Artimus who watches from above. After a quick discussion the group heft up their kit, turn and under the scrutiny of the watching command crew, walk into another world.

Off world - late a.m.

The emerging group flounder into the blistering heat, all, to some extent disoriented, Kapek being the worst affected. Quickly JJ outlines their position/surroundings, as noted by JJ, they can see and hear goats approximately quarter of a mile to, what their compass says is southeast. Schultz quickly decides that the party will head towards the south east as this appears to be the origin of the river, which can be seen running along the western edge of the valley. Scanning the valley with prisbins, the group can clearly see figures tending what appears to be areas of cultivation along the banks of the river some six or so miles down the valley. (As the group prepare to move out Schultz embarrassingly admits that she has been through the gate before, alone one night many months before, albeit for the briefest of moments, however little detail of this foray is given) As the party heads out they guess, from the position of the sun, that it must be about mid-day here, wherever here is, about 1500 hours back on earth, therefore there is about five hours until sundown. The going is tough and some two hours later Gomez and JJ point out that at this pace the group won't make the river before nightfall.

Continuing, about half an hour later, Gomez calls a halt and points to an anomaly in the rock face off to the side of the goat track. Investigating they find what was presumably a cave entrance; however with great skill it has been blocked up with accurately cut stonework. The surrounding rock face has been dressed and inscribed with hieroglyphics similar to those discovered at the site of the Stargate in Giza. As darkness descends it is agreed that they will camp here for the night, this suits Schultz, as she wants to study the inscription. Gomez and JJ decide to recon the way ahead.

Free of baggage the two rapidly disappear along the goat track. As Bo and Gomez set up for the night Schultz makes copious notes and digital images of the hieroglyphs. Some five hours later Gomez and JJ return, they advise that the way ahead is clear and travel becomes easy as the ground begins to fall towards the river. Setting watches the group, although well prepared; spend an uncomfortable and cold night. No fires are lit and noise is kept to a minimum.

During the night the members of the SG away team cast their eyes to the night sky and it hits home that none of the stars above them are familiar, for some reason this seems to disturb the group more than the anything else so far. During Gomez's watch she is startled to see a light moving north to south across the night sky. Alerting the others they watch as the light suddenly dips rapidly and drops below sight towards the southern escarpment. As dawn approaches Schultz advises that the text, as best as she can tell, refers to this as being the resting place/burial chamber of Quezel III, Lord & Master of the Sky, reference is made to the "valley of the kings"