Dr. Helen Schultz

Age 39
Hair Black
Height 1.73m
Weight 57kg
Eyes Grey
Right Handed
Siblings None Parents Dead

Status Away Team Team Leader - SG1

Born in the Austro-Germanic zone, Passau, of the United Federal State of the European Community, formally the EEC, on 17/8/1985. Her parents, now deceased, held positions within the slowly strangling Eurostate University system. Unfortunately they were caught siding with the students during the "Food and Freedom riots" in the winter of discontent, 2007, and were killed in one of the many violent exchanges between students and corporate sponsored state security forces. Life insurance paid for her education, however her parents had amassed a tidy portfolio of shares, stocks and bonds etc. To her credit she was a model student and in 2010 she finally left medical school qualified to enter into medicine. At this point however she realised that whilst worthwhile a life of putting state rejected derelicts back together was not a good prospect and so commercial research was entered into. This served its purpose for a number of years funding her many hobbies and vices, one of which was archaeology. Whilst on holiday/scratching around in the dirt with friends around Giza in Egypt lead to the unearthing of something . . . . . . . She rapidly realised that this was not just another decaying relic but an intricate piece of technology of what absurdly appeared to be alien to earth. Taking extended leave she quietly continued her private studies for some two years. Eventually however funds began to run low and having uncovered the basic's of what the machine actually was, she was forced to look for support. Knowing the implications of such a discovery a decision was made to go the state for help. In naivety she assumed that the government/military unlike the corporate giants wouldn't be control freaks. After much frustration, refusals to co-operate, on both sides, lies, lies and dam lies the gate was secretly transported to a military dump aka Nuclear bunker in the mountains above Colorado Springs. To the many it is a storage depot for unused, redundant, outdated or simply unwanted military hardware. For a smaller number it is a purpose built nuclear command centre and satellite tracking station to house Western America's last line of defence. To those in the know, approximately 30, it is the location of the worlds one and only interspacial multidimensional translocator - a machine capable of transporting life across the galaxy's, and maybe time itself, in the blink of an eye - THE STARGATE Since its initial discovery and relocation to Schultz has spent little time doing, living, breathing, dreaming about any thing other than the Stargate. Now at last trials are complete, it works there is something out there, there is life beyond the stars, the only problem is who is going to go and bring it back without dying in the process. Without thought or concern Schultz is up for it and what ever any body says or does she will not be deigned because if they do say no . . . well let them try and decipher the fucker, it took her long enough.

Addendum to Dr Helen Schultz

There are things you haven't told what is to become the first SG1 away team, things you haven't told your good friend General Artimus Mahonney, the Director of SG1, things your not sure you can admit to yourself. The first time that power was diverted into the Stargate it moved, disconcerting but not all together unexpected. The perimeter dial spun through several positions before it could be powered down. The next time, same again, only that this time it was, nervously, allowed to continue. It moved through seven distinct and programmed movements. Then all hell broke loose - it was the first time in, well God knows how many thousands of years that any body on earth had seen, let alone operated, a Stargate. As chaos calmed, the gate sat silent, but what had been an empty space within the circular frame was now a rippling silky black opaque . . . . . . something. Over the following months this was repeated many times, always the same, the same, now obviously, pre-set movements, the same black disc. Eventually research decreed that cameras, thermograph, IR, UV sensors etc were mounted onto self propelled tracked units attached to retrieval cables and sent through the gateway. The images recovered were unbelievable, and placed behind the strongest door the military could afford. A titanium iris valve was immediately constructed and fitted to the gate. So it continued, numerous settings have been tried and to date 5 combinations have "connected" but always, always when the Gate is powered down and rebooted, it returns to the original pre-set combination. What no body else knows, nobody at all, is that that first night you felt compelled to return to the Stargate chamber. You powered the system up, no one was there, after all it was all new, just a bit of research, no need to set security this far below the surface, deep within the complex. The gate span to the pre-set pattern and the blackness coalesced and without thought or concern you stepped into . . . . A vast endless void that was so cramped you could hardly breathe, a rush like you just couldn't imagine, and then . . . . Pyramids, real pyramids, not like the derelict relics in Egypt, but vibrant, maintained, alive. And then you saw it, innocent, harmless, 100mm wide by 100mm high, faded from to much sun, ripped across the corner, but the image was unmistakable, a photograph of Helen Schultz dressed in fatigues, framed by a huge pyramid seen through the empty frame of the Stargate. You stooped and picked up the picture, shit, it was real, not as you hoped, a trick of your mind following the rush of the gateway. Stuffing the photograph into your pocket you staggered back into the blackness and walked calmly onto the ramp before the gate. Nobody about, power down, hit the sack. Next morning, strange dreams, could almost have been real . . . . And then you slip your hand in your pocket and there it is, the photograph. You've never told any one about that first night, that breath-taking rush as you stepped through, no need to, they'll feel it themselves soon.