Dr. Salem Kapek aka "The Frog"

Age 27
Hair Blonde
Height 1.64m
Weight 44kg
Eyes Green
Left Handed
Siblings Brothers 3, assumed dead
Parents Whereabouts unknown, possibly dead

Status Away Team Status Science & Technical Support - SG1

Born on the Turkish-Syrian border, Nusaybin, 14/7/1997, he, like many of his fellow citizens, attempted to leave the poverty of his home country for the streets of gold to be found elsewhere/anywhere. Like the majority of illegal immigrants he eventually arrived/was interned in one of the numerous transition/holding camps that surround the borders of the prosperous. Easily learning English he proved a willing and invaluable arse kisser to the camp guards/overseer as "the wop who can fix anything". This ultimately delivered a "green card" and passage to the land of plenty, unfortunately this did not extend to his brothers who, more than likely died during the brief but explosive "3 Day Detention War" in 2014, 2 months after his departure to America. "The Frog" so called because of his staring eyes and tendency to "croak", hit the ground running. He quickly acquired funds and began producing specialist custom hardware build ups for well paying select clients, who, more and more frequently came from the wrong side of the tracks, as did his initial loans. Fortunately his ventures were so successful that he survived the outrageous interest payments, possibly because of his usefulness to his benefactors. Unfortunately this lead to his ultimate downfall, supplying gangs/thugs on both sides of the street he was eventually burnt out during one of the frequent and violent turf wars. Undeterred he "acquired" papers which identified him as a Dr Kapek, lecturer in Gravitational Studies. During the following years he actually studied and achieved a real doctorate in physics, he also made a chance acquaintance with a certain Helen Schultz whilst attending a corporate sponsored conference who was Schultz current employer. This friendship was to develop over the years, which resulted in an offer of employment as SG1 emerged.