Gomez A1

Age 36
Hair Blue(Natural brown)
Height 1.89m
Weight 77kg
Eyes Brown
Either Handed
Siblings None, Parents Dead

Status Away Team Heavy Weapons - SG1

2 purple hearts, Star of the Union, 3 personnel commendations, 2 Long service medals, 4 Injured in Action as well as various campaign medals. Born on 17/5/1988 in the town of Cotopaxi, Ecuador, her parents were killed during the SAM conflicts of 2003. Her youth was spent in a number of detention centres and the gutter, her future looked set for a life of petty crime probably ending up with an early death from drugs, disease or a knife in the back. Drifting North she arrived in San Diego, 2005, where she quickly found herself in the dock. A simple choice was offered, prison or enlistment, an easy choice. So began what proved to be a highly decorated and successful career. Action was first seen in the corporate wars, 2007 followed by the food riots of 2009. Proving to be a natural with Heavy Support weapons as well as at close combat Gomez drifted the world collecting commendations along the way. Eventually however luck ran out in a special operations fuck up in Lithuania, 2018 and after 18 months in traction she was deemed unfit for front line duties. This was a blow to A1 who could not foresee a life without the army. She requested and, in view of her excellent record, was granted a transfer to logistics support, not ideal but at least she got to wear the uniform. In 2019 she was transferred to the 17th TLS at Colorado Springs, unfortunately the monotony eventually drew blood and after kicking seven shades of crap out of a ranking officer, a court martial beckoned. "Luck" however returned and she was, again in view of her service record, given the role of pot washer and nursemaid to a ranking civilian, a fucking woman at that, and so she met Helen Schultz. Helen soon realised that fate had delivered an experienced soldier who was happy to serve and new how to keep her mouth shut. On Gomez A1's part she was, to coin a phrase "fucking A1 Happy" Screw logistics, she had again got the chance anew to blow some sucker to hell and back, life can be so sweet.