J.J O'Harran

Age 31
Hair Ginger
Height 1.75m
Weight 71kg
Eyes Green
Right Handed
Siblings Brother, Brother, JJ, Sister, Brother, Sister, Brother, Sister Parents Father - Black American, Mother - Irish American

Status Away Team Weapons - SG1

Purple heart, Star of the Union with bar, 2 personnel commendations, 1 Long service medals, 1 Outstanding Valour, 2 Injured in Action as well as various campaign medals. Born in La Grange, Georgia, 16/3/1991, into a working class Black Irish American family, religion and hard work played a major part in JJ's upbringing. As adulthood beckoned a life of factory shifts and living on tick did not appeal. His strict upbringing was a major hang up, it's hard to break the law when Gods got his beady eye on you. Whilst sweeping the front porch one day, 2007, J.J looked up to see a large army truck pull up across the track. A dozen or so soldiers jumped out, one of which asked the spotty kid "where the fuck are we, where the fuck are the hookers in this shit box and where the fuck can a man get beer". Struck dumb he just pointed down the street. The soldier spat on JJ's newly swept porch, farted, belched, scratched his balls and walked off singing. JJ was mighty impressed, in fact he was so impressed that he decided there an then that come what may he was going to join the army if it meant he could swear, spit, belch and fart without God sending down a lightning bolt to strike him dead. That night he through his few positions into a pack and crept out the back door never to return. Lying about his age, he signed up and found himself in the 31st Light Assault on active duty in the endless Middle Eastern conflicts. He did not return to his home shores until August 2018 after being hit by friendly fire from a Apache SS28 tactical airborne support craft. The Laser cannon ripped into JJ's unit to devastating affect, of the 60 troops in the unit 47 were killed outright, 12 died later of their wounds and JJ was returned stateside to spend the rest of his miserable life in a state hospital, not a pretty option. Having lived the life of a soldier, his finances were none existent and his thoughts as he slowly died turned to suicide v. God. Suicide won, however when you've no arms, one leg and your skulls held together with sticky tape, its not an easy thing to do. Months dragged and God stepped in, the nurses on the ward purchased a lottery ticket each week on behalf of the terminals, it came up, not a fortune when dished out, but enough for the Cyber salesmen to come a knockin' on the ward doors. Several months later JJ and several others were literally on their feet their future back in their hands. Eventually his former now rebuilt, unit took him back in a support role, but it was all to soon, JJ suffered a mental breakdown. His commanding officer felt some degree of sympathy for JJ and pulled a few strings to get JJ a soft job back home, logistics maybe. JJ, now sane, found himself some months later stacking fatigues and counting bullets, however a newly acquired friend, Gomez A1, hinted that something was happening which might be of interest. Several discussions later JJ was recruited by Schultz into the anonymity of SG1.