Bo Didly aka. Catflap

Age 34
Hair Brown
Height 1.86m
Weight 79kg
Eyes Hazel
Right Handed
Siblings; 2 Half sisters, 17 & 12 who live with mothers parents, mother Mexican, father unknown (White American ?)

Status former Away Team Liaison officer SG1, promoted to Team Leader - SG2

Born the son of a street hooker/bar worker in Mexico City on 14/9/1990, Bo is the eldest of three illegitimate bastards born to three different fathers. As with Gomez A1, petty crime was the norm to ensure survival. Worked part time as a runner for a Lazarus agent, showed initiative and got a break to go legit. Started at the bottom, worked hard passed pilots licence, for which he was a absolute natural. Piloting talents proved very useful in operations for Lazarus cross border hopping, particularly where the object was to avoid the all to frequent border patrols.

In 2016 the agent for whom he was running had several irons in the fire, which eventually became too public. A bit of judicious paper shuffling and a few hefty bribes saw the buck stop with the new kid on the block for which he got shit on from a great height. For once Bo was actually the innocent party but shit sticks so he did a runner.

Drifted around for a few years and in 2019 got a job with TLS as a civilian worker using a false ID, came to the attention of Helen Schultz as Bo always seemed to be able to get what officialdom said was "currently unavailable". Schultz liked the man and with Bo's invaluable assistance "arranged" for his own transfer to SGC. Bo is extremely grateful to Schultz for her willingness to ignore the prejudices of others and place trust in him and for this he is fiercely loyal to Schultz.