Book 4 - New Horizons 13

30/05/2024 – 09.12

The following morning the IS chaps stationed in the top lobby nervously reported that numbers of infected had steadily increased in the main north chamber, they suggested there was upwards of 100 present however with the press of bodies against the security door windows it was impossible to confirm if this figure was correct.

Mahonney also announced that SG1 has returned overnight from 11 – 31 – 17 – 3 – 21 – 32 – 19, the planet recently visited by SG2 apparently inhabited by ‘giants’ Unfortunately SGC’s de-facto commander reported that there had a fatality, Jack Werbanuk, one of the team who had formed SG2 on their initial visit, had suffered multiple injuries after the party, en-route back to the gate, had been bushwhacked by a pack of giant rats. On the upside, if there was an upside, a sizeable quantity of fresh provisions had been transferred back to SGC.

After a lively debate, it was agreed that activities above would be put on hold but SG1 under the command of Helen Shultz would continue to scope out 11 – 31 – 17 – 3 – 21 – 32 – 19 but Agatha & Dungip would re-join SG2 to investigate further new off-world addresses whilst Dr Licance remained temporarily with SG1.

As an aside Didimos Chane (ex SG2c now assigned to SG1) was tasked by Xuraa (she fluttered her eyes) with rigging up a light weight grab, max payload 2kg, to hang beneath the home built drone (currently atop a 20’ ISO container surrounded by the infected) & therefore out of reach.

30/05/2024 – 10.23

At random 14 – 09 – 27 – 11 – 10 – 19 – 07 was selected as the next target & dialled up by the control team, SG2, prepped & ready, were somewhat put on the backfoot when the gate failed to initialise. Assuming there was an error in inputting the code, & after a 40-minute stand down, the address was again dialled, again the receiving gate failed to open, the address was therefore marked down as not operational.

30/05/2024 – 11.52

An hour or so later a second set of coordinates were dialled, 02 – 25 – 13 – 08 – 17 – 21 – 18, this time the gate activated as had become the norm. Agatha, headstrong & keen to explore, almost had to be restrained from rushing headfirst through the shimmering portal. Instead she was allowed the privilege of sticking the go-pro stick mounted camera through the gate. On the cable wired monitor, the AV still be marooned on Geb, it at first looked like static however after a few seconds all realised it was actually a swirling snow storm.

From the rudimentary kit rigged up on the stick the temperature was showing around -15°C with a barometer pressure like to what would be expected on earth at this temperature.

Not wishing to be the one in charge of further loss of life Rex ordered sample testing on the snow retrieved on the go-pro stick before anybody entered the gate.

30/05/2024 – 14.07

By early afternoon the lab had confirmed the snow retrieved was indeed snow, more to the point however its mineral composition suggested an environment very close to that of earth, i.e. a breathable atmosphere. With this information SG2, appropriately attired, again collected in the chamber & the address was redialled.

This time around Agatha was allowed first through the gate but not before she was secured by a harness & rope in case she need to be extracted quickly. Possession of the camera on a stick was passed to Dungip. With the gate reopened & the camera revealing a continuing whiteout Agatha stepped through.

30/05/2024 – 14.07

Immediately upon stepping through Agatha was buffeted by cold wind & almost blinded by snow whipped about her in all directions, importantly however, despite the biting wind, she could breathe. Doing a slow 360 she could see nothing beyond the end of her arm in all directions. Through the gate she could see Dungip following her progress with the stick camera.

After a few minutes, & with nothing else to report, the other members of SG2 stepped through lead by Jayne, chain linked to the lanyard attached to Agatha. At the rear of the chain was Xuraa from whom a lanyard ran back through the gate.

Clustered together, the storm unabated, there wasn’t a great deal to see or do & despite being dressed for the cold (within the limited resources SGC could field) all were starting to feel the chill. Rex & Jayne sniffed at the air, both benefitted from olfactory boosterware, Rex, suffering with the temperature detected nothing. Jayne however was pretty conclusive there was a slight, inoffensive, organic twang to the air.

Turning back towards the gate, Xuraa, maybe thinking of the warmth on the other side, suddenly spotted a large slowly moving/approaching dark shadow from behind the gate. Alerting the others on her TQM (apart from Agatha who firmly refused to be fitted with such a useful device) she watched apprehensively.

Through the snow the approaching shape took form, as it did so the remainder of SG2 saw similar shapes surrounding them. Xuraa wasn’t exactly familiar with nature, even she however recognised it for what it was, some 650Kg of bison. As she watched, it stopped mere feet from her & pawed at the snow with a huge cloven hoof, condensing air snorted loudly from its nostrils. Moments later it buried its head in the snow & emerged with a mouthful of pale grass. Daunted by its size, Xuraa watched as the bull ignored her & walked on by. Around SG2, the dozen or so other bison, including at least one bite sized calf, moved in the same direction. It was only as the large male passed by that it dawned on Xuraa that it had an iron ring through its septum.

With time running out before the gate closed SG2 returned to SGC dreaming of steak &/or the implications of domesticated beef (grass samples also retrieved for analysis)

30/05/2024 – 16.27

Back in SG SG2 were stood down whilst the samples were sent to the lab & they ate/warmed up & Rex filed a report of their findings. While they were eating Joel Esposito from technical support confirmed that they temporary access to the lobby above had been made good & could now be considered as safe access.

31/05/2024 – 09.18

The following morning it was decided that an immediate return to Narnia could wait & a new address was entered (SG1 having again returned to LOTG’s) As the gate to 16 – 19 – 05 – 24 – 11 – 31 – 22 SG2 readied themselves. Again, Agatha poked the camera stick through the activated gate. Bizarrely as he did a camera stick poked back through the gate in exactly the same spot. From behind a cry went up as those watching on the screen saw themselves stood in the gate chamber viewed from the prospective of the camera sticking through the gate.

For long moments, nobody moved, all too stunned to do anything. Then Agatha, impatient as ever, ignored the shouts of warning & stepped through the gate taking the camera with her thereby removing any means of observing what lay beyond the gate.

As she appeared however to step out of the chamber she stepped forwarded into the chamber holding the camera stick aloft to confront SG2.

Rex & the others stared at Agatha, the wannabe zealot stared back confusion on her face.

It was then that Rex spotted her SG2 name tag, it read Ahtaga.

31/05/2024 – 09.22

With realisation dawning, SG2 watched as Ahtaga, still appearing confused, smiled back at her fellow team members & peered into the familiar corridor leading away from the gate chamber. Keeping an eye on her SG2 asked several questions of their companion that only she & they should know the answers too, she responded with perfect knowledge.

Over the tannoy Mahonney, who could be seen through the control viewing screen, demanded to know what SG2 were playing at.

Unobstructed, Ahtaga walked back to the gate & poked the camera through, as previous it appeared through the gate & again SG2 & the contents of the chamber could be seen on the monitor. Without hesitation, she stepped back through the gate & instantaneously reappeared, this time her identity pass read correctly.

Before any mistakes were made rex ordered the gate shut down & when later completing his report marked the log in red as a place not to return too in a hurry.

As SG2 sat pondering their latest discovery Dungip couldn’t contain himself, he had an idea, quickly he explained it to the team, there was a severe scratching of heads.

31/05/2024 – 12.41

Gathered on Abydos SG2 waited until the gate was closed by SGC, having pre-arranged for it to be opened as was normal practise now from Abydos in three hours’ time. With the cool down period elapsed Dungip tapped in the address for ‘mirror world’ but in reverse – he was severely disappointed when nothing happened. Desperate to be proved correct he tapped in the code for Abydos, where they were currently stood, but again in reverse, again nothing happened, knowing/expecting similar failure he tapped in the reverse address for the land of ice & snow. Slightly pissed-off they waited for SGC to bring them home.

31/05/2024 – 17.41

A couple of hours later the gate activated & a IS team supplemented by several field operatives stepped through, all were heavily armed as if expecting trouble. Bemused SG2 returned home.

31/05/2024 – 17.43

Immediately back at the SGC SG2 could see they was trouble. The room smelled distinctly of cordite & there were scorch marks dotted around the room suggesting energy weapon discharge. Members of the SGC Medical team were treating a couple of IS opo’s for minor burns & a section of the iris valve lay twisted off to one side on the floor. On the floor beside the gate lay four dead archaically attired warriors like those encountered on Geb on their last rescue excursion to the Memphis ziggurat.

Briefly Mahonney & Helen filled them in on what had occurred. Whilst SG2 were on Abydos the gate had been opened for the expected return of SG1, the gate activated but as it opened a shout had gone up from the control chamber that it was them opening it for SG1, it was external activation from Geb. They’d immediately closed the iris valve but made ready to repel any incursion although they hadn’t expected anything more significant than the previous attempts. Unfortunately, the attack that followed wielded a greater fire power than previously encountered & the gate, not fully shut, had suffered as was now visible.

Several energy blasts had come through the gate but most had dissipated harmlessly on the opposite wall, this was followed by an inrush of energy staff wielding warriors who were, fortunately, met by a barrage of returning fire. The encounter lasted mere seconds & the invaders made a hasty retreat leaving behind four dead.

As Mahonney & Helen filled SG2 in temporary repairs to repair the iris & secure the gate were in progress.

31/05/2024 – 19.28

During the evening SG2 gathered in the smaller security area off the gate chamber where the four (cleaned) suits of off-world armour had been stored. The bodies of the provocateurs were now in cold storage in medical where Dr Licance was carrying out exploratory works.

Jayne, keen to see the capabilities of the armour tried a set on, only one of the four fitted, all be that it was a tad tight. Initially it felt cumbersome, like powered steering with no power however after a few minutes something seemed to happen as he felt a gossamer touch of something probe at his neck. Instantly the armour felt alive, light & responsive although it took him awhile to come to terms with its neural connection. When he’d mastered control of the helmet, which at will would rise over his head or collapse into the overlarge collar, he realised he could see through the face obscuring concertina of plates as if they weren’t there. On the downside, he had no way of making a connection to any smart linked weapons. Untried – after all it would require an invitation for somebody to shoot him -  he guesstimated that the armour would offer better protection than Skinweave but less than flak, with that he removed the armour until later.

31/05/2024 – 20.16

After a meal of what todays kitchen team had said was ‘game’ but what SG2 suspected was sirloin of rat, Mahonney joined them accompanied by a smiling Rex who confirmed tomorrows mission was to retake Memphis.