Book 4 - New Horizons 8

16/05/2024 – 13.32

Back at SGC Mahonney stunned the members of SG2 when he instructed that Didimos Chane II was to be removed from active field duty, reasons currently withheld, & he was to be replaced, at least temporarily by Ms. Xuraa Chomt, a US Army chopper pilot - technically speaking Xuraa wasn’t actually a serving member of SGC, she had been flying in a crew changeover but had got caught on base when the virus went walkabout so by default was now one of the chosen few.

Whilst this sank in Dungip, assisted by Rex, set to in cannibalising equipment from the base to build a basic metal detection unit, Dungip suggested this was probably going to take a couple of days.

Jayne, never one to miss an opportunity for violence, made sure the energy staffs were fully charged & accompanied by Irving & the new recruit, Xuraa, headed off to Abydos to practise both use of the staff in its primary from as well as a heavy-duty quarter staff. For several days they returned for at least a couple of hours practise despite Irving limping away with broken toes on his right foot (Jayne) When Dungip & Rex heard about the training they, along with a number of IS troops, took part in some basic training thus extending SG2’s layover & return to Geb.

Surprisingly Xuraa is made of better stuff than most & doesn’t succumb to the nausea generated when she first passes through the gate.

16/05/2024 – 20.08

Post IS evening shift change Mahonney called SG” as well as several other team members to the central lift area. The barricade, built from removed lift shaft rubble etc, was now around 54” high with a slug & flame thrower positioned to hopefully take out anything that broke through the now partially cleared shaft. After a brisk discussion, the final break through into the occupied shaft was put on hold however guard duties were doubled.

All that was needed now was the gate to be hung & bolted across the shaft opening.

16/05/2024 – 10.41

During the layover Dungip, as ever keen to impress Lateefah, as promised delivered her prints (from their limited paper stock) of photographs of various hieroglyphic panels in the museum.

17/05/2024 – 15.37

Didimos, despite his removal from SG2, delivered on the new lightened/improved drone complete with camera, heat sensors & motion detectors

17/05/2024 – 15.37

Irving, on behalf of the medical team at SGC confirmed the skeleton retrieved from the sarcophagus in Memphis is genetically human, the hole entry & exit wound in its head 100% resulted from a beam weapon, there is heat damage inside the skull, & whilst it is perfectly preserved, it is not damage free, i.e. it is not ‘repaired’ as was Helen’s when she was returned to SG2 on Wheat World.

19/05/2024 – 10.14

Whilst SG2 partook of the fun Agatha continued to assist Meera in delivering hygiene training & basic medical care to the healers in Memphis, at times this was hard work as much of what they had to tell was in the face of the city’s religious doctrines & the subservient way in which women were generally held. Agatha, always controversial, didn’t help smooth the waters

What did assist however was the constant trickle of fresh fruit & food that came back through the gate from Memphis in exchange for the medical teaching as well as in the hope that it would pursued Mahonney to relax his attitude to martial aid.

20/05/2024 – 10.52

Back in the game SG2 with a working metal detector, more semtex, severely depleting the SGC armoury, & the new improved drone headed back through the gate to Geb leaving Helen, assisted by Didimos, to collate & study the ongoing information being retrieved from Geb.

On emerging Jayne spotted the newly wrought iron gate leaning against the wall ready for transporting back to SGC,

20/05/2024 – 11.14

In the by now rubble cleared secret corridor Dungip, watched admiringly by Lateefah, & under the watchful gaze of replacement Captain Annoub, Captain Zaghloul not having been seen with any frequency since the incident with Irving’s pistol.

Dungip carefully began to sweep the corridor with the metal detector in the hope that it extended through a hidden passage, he was however disappointed to find it remained a dead end. He did confirm however that the suspicious panel to the left of previously blocked wall did encapsulate at least half a dozen of what he could only assume were metallised panels, with Lateefah’s permission SG2 started drilling & placing charges to blow the face.

20/05/2024 – 14.57

After several hours Dungip was satisfied with what they’d achieved & the corridor was cleared, warnings given the charges were blown. Several minutes later as the dust began to settle SG2 surveyed Dungip’s handiwork, most of the facing stones were loose but it was still going to take at least a day’s work to clear the remaining stones & the debris.

21/05/2024 – 10.32

The following morning the last of the broken stones were hauled out of the corridor by slaves commandeered under Captain Annoub’s direction, this didn’t sit well with some of the members of SG2 but then it was better than doing it themselves.

Technician Steffan Dorph, still assigned to SG2, confirmed higher background readings from the exposed panels but also confirmed that predominantly the source of the radiation was below their feet. Xuraa, keen to assist, had looked at the relative levels of the entrance to the ziggurat to the hidden corridor, whilst she couldn’t be 100% sure she was fairly confident that they were at roughly the same level confirming the suspicion that the ziggurat itself sat upon a large dais rather than being a part of the dais.

21/05/2024 – 11.49

With the corridor cleaned up those gathered could see nine dark metal panels on the exposed wall, the backing wall itself appeared to be metal itself with returns running into the stonework at either end suggesting some sort of containment.

Although metallurgist knowledge was limited within the group it was concluded that the panels & backing wall, which resembled copper in colour but not in hardness) was of an unknown substance.

With these investigations, ongoing (boring) some of the team Jayne & Xuraa decided to investigate the capping on the ziggurat’s peak.

21/05/2024 – 12.47

Outside Jayne & Xuraa assessed the sides of the ziggurat, there were no steps leading to the pinnacle but the sides were stepped & although steep neither thought it would be too strenuous. A quick survey with the drone didn’t reveal anything they couldn’t already see except to confirm the peak was metal shod possibly with a material similar to what they had discovered behind the corridors facing wall. Apart from ropes & a basic scavenged tools, cold chisels to use as spikes & a couple of hammers they had no climbing gear or experience so replied upon bravado rather than skill. Once near the top, around 275’, this nearly wasn’t enough when Xuraa slipped, fortunately the rope prevented her bouncing down the side & pulling Jayne with her however she did collect a couple of bruised ribs. The view over the city was exhilarating however & did confirm that the city was clearly centred around the ziggurat. With nothing more to see the pair descended.

21/05/2024 – 15.48

As Dr Irving Licance looked on he felt a hand lightly touch his shoulder, instantly he grabbed for his holstered pistol conscious of what had gone before. Spinning about he found not a thief but the guard, Tekem, who had previously approached him secretly a week earlier with a message from those outside of the council. Tekem spoke quietly again suggesting that there were those who were keen to talk with the outworlders beyond the hearing of the council.

Contrary to his previous approach Irving agreed to accompany him later in the evening.

21/05/2024 – 21.21

After too many hours of probing, pushing & poking Dungip had got nowhere, Dorph, Jayne & Xuraa sat bored watching as did the pair of IS grunts & city guard. Agatha & Meera had accompanied Lateefah as they wished to explore the city’s temples whilst Irving & Rex had mysteriously slipped away unseen. Much to Dungip’s annoyance Technician Dorph suggested they were fucking.

About to give up for the night Dungip was stood back staring at the panels, he felt they were important, after all why hide them if they were purely decorative, but he had no idea what they did or how they did it.

It was then that a red-faced Captain Annoub rushed into the corridor babbling incoherently.

21/05/2024 – 21.22

Irving & Rex crept along the city’s backstreets in the wake of Tekem. They weren’t exactly lost, after all the tip of the ziggurat was nearly always visible if you moved into any open area, but they were trusting Tekem not to lead them into a trap, ambush or somewhere they shouldn’t be.

Eventually Tekem signalled for them to wait & he disappeared down a blind alley. Moments later he reappeared gesturing for them to follow. Moments later he lead them through a small wooden door in a low ceilinged room, three figures were silhouetted in the glow from the hearth.

For the next half-an-hour, the unnamed gang of three explained that they represented Hermopolis as well as a group of citizens in Memphis who believed in the pantheon of gods rather than this newer single upstart. Irving, quizzed them about this was eventually convinced that whilst they may have not revealed all they were largely telling the truth. In turn he confirmed that they, SGC, had declined to provide weaponry which would no doubt allow the rapid overthrow of Hermopolis (he was however economic with the truth about how limited were the outworld supplies of such armaments)

They agreed that they should talk more but before they could finish their conversation Tekem, who had momentarily stepped outside, reappeared in a panic, fearing the worst Irving & Rex followed him cautiously outside.

21/05/2024 – 21.44

Just over twenty minutes after a wide eyed Captain Annoub had run into the corridor Dungip, Jayne, Xuraa & Dorph as well as the returned Agatha, Meera & Lateefah as well as a sizable crown of city officials, guards & rubberneckers stood on the steps to the ziggurat staring up into the darkening sky, darkening that is apart from the skyward pointing dazzling beam of light emanating from the ziggurats capstone. Amid the chaos & shouting Dungip feared he was responsible for this.

21/05/2024 – 21.58

Tekem lead Irving & Rex back towards the ziggurat, the light from the shimmering beam throwing shadows all around. The streets were less crowded now than they had been when they’d first started to return as the citizens of Memphis converged on the ziggurat. Both were less wary now as with the numbers of people on the streets they could easily pass unnoticed (they weren’t prohibited from moving around the city, they had indeed the city council’s permission to do so, but even so they weren’t stupid enough to realise that the meeting they’d just had was at the very least treasonous against the Memphian city council.

As Tekem disappeared around a corner they heard a surprised grunt. Peering around the corner they could see Tekem was grappling with an unknown assailant. Hesitating they at first did nothing to aid their guide, it cost him his life, with a grunt he slipped to the cobbles in a pool of blood. Instantly the assassin began to shout, although his words were unknown it was clear he wasn’t inviting Irving & Rex to a party.

Realising they had only moments to fight of flee Rex drew & fired. Quickly it was over & a second body slipped to the floor, as they looked at each other city guards appeared weapons drawn.

21/05/2024 – 22.17

Back at the ziggurat SG2 peered into the sky trying not to admit that they were responsible for the 2’ dia beam of light until they could assess if it was good or bad. Using image intensifiers, they could see there was little bleed of the light, it was an intense focused beam. Dungip was sure that it simply didn’t however just go on for ever but that it terminated somewhere in the stratosphere, before this could be debated further, Irving & Rex were escorted up the steps to the ziggurat.

21/05/2024 – 23.41

Back at SGC Rex finished explain to Mahonney what had occurred & the bullshit alibi that he & Irving had given to cloak their evenings activates in that one of the guards had agreed to escort them into the city’s streets in order that they could get a better perspective on the beacon, as this was what SG2 were concluding it was, & there they had been heckled by a group of what turned out to be thieves & that the guard had been killed protecting them.

Mahonney, infuriated by what had happened, terminated the meeting & suggested they spoke further in the morning about potential consequences & repercussions.