Beer & Bikes
suppose that I can blame this one on my brother & brother-in-law, well the
bikes at least. When I was a kid, about
eight or so, we lived about 200 yards from my school, Button Lane Juniors -
cute or what - anyway my big brother, had a step thro' & for one glorious
summer, when Mum was at work, he'd pick me up from school & buzz me around
for 20 minutes or so, street cred or what, alas it didn't last more than the
summer as Dad came home early one day & went ballistic.
Not long after my big sister's boyfriend allowed me into the sidecar of his Triumph, it was ace, I was hooked, the rest is history.
Over the years I've
had a fair number of bikes, Triumph's, BSA, Harleys & Jap's off all shapes
& sizes, there's been a few MCC's on route as well as my fair number of
rally's & custom shows. Most bikes have generally had one thing common,
they all tended to end up black &/or a bit ratty.
The big kickstart
for me was when I went to Sunderland Poly in 82' & I bought my first copy
of BSH (still got it) it was ace, then AWOL came along, all bikes from then
on gradually evolved into, well to be honest tatty copies of what I drooled
over in those glossy pages, the bikes, not the scantily clad girlies, well sometimes
the scantily clad girlies.
After SPAM (Sunderland
Poly Amateur Motorcyclists) came
Warrington MAG, then joined MAD, discovered
my first
MCC, the Spread Eagle at Ashton-under-Lyne, started a club, Thick as a Brick
MCC, did Kent Custom Show, the Bulldog Bash, the Farmyard Party, Rock an' Blues,
Demo rides, Scroungers, 623, Patriots, got a life, moved to Buxton, discovered
hardtails, joined Moorlands MCC & there it ended, well, sort of, half the
club ended up going backpatch & things, well things happened,
Moorlands is no more & my hardtails slowly rotting, but for what its worth it was a good trip, made some good mates on the way, had fun, got stoned, & well, who knows what tomorrow brings, it may bring war, any old war or if I'm lucky something loud, nasty & probably black.