Chapter Nine - Rothera Revisited, November 2007 - March 2008

This season pretty much kicked off where last season ended, full on, seven days a week, bloody stupid really, but needs must. The upshot was we got the job done, commissioned, handed over to BAS & occupied, unfortunately it didn't leave much time for fun & frolics, apart from a couple of times around the point, I didn't get up the ramp once, the snow board never saw the light of day. In fact apart from a couple of hours fishing of the wharf one Sunday evening it was all work, work work.

The odd photo oppurtunity did arise & the occaional bottle, or three, of gin did get quoffed, roll on "Thirsty Thursday's" but it was all a bit of a slog, i won't bore you to death with more endless prattle, below are a few of the photo's taken this season which pretty much tell thier own storey, enjoy.

One of BAS's twin otter's taking supplies into the field

BAS D7, one of a kind & absolute work horse, other than by ship this is normal way in & out of Rothera, 4 to 5 hour flight to FI or Punta arenas, Chile

Chinstrap Penguins, these two spent a couple of hours sat outsite the window of site cabin

Adélie Penguins, these are the norm around Rothera, definately not as many about this season

Proof that Buxton FC have found fame around the world

An afternoon's fishing from the comfort of the company car

A very curious young Weddell seal

Several Weddell seals doing what Weddell seals do best, contemplating life, the universe & everything, to the rear is Jenny Island

A pair of equally curious young Elephant bull seals

Blue Eyed Shag, plenty of these around

Plenty of whale activity again this season, mainly Minkie, occaisional Humpback & Orca, this family group were playing around for half an hour or so just of the wharf, Dad's on the left

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